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The US is Likely to Experience an Economic Collapse in the Upcoming Years
Published: 26th of January, 2025 by Patrick Carpen
Last updated: January 26, 2025 at 14:29 pmThe founding fathers of the United States must be turning in their graves right now, and I wrote about this in another article. The United States of America started as a home for refugees, for people fleeing political and religious persecution, and as a land of opportunity for those fleeing economic hardship. As is inscribed at the feet of the Statue of Liberty: Send me your tired your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Send these, the homeless, tempest toss to me, I lift my lamp besides the golden door.
That golden door has now turned brass, and the Statue of Liberty cries tears of blood. The United States itself was formed by refugees. It began as a nation of illegal aliens. While I’m all for law and order, and I agree that no country can exist without a proper enforcement of law and order, we must examine the existing deportation scheme against the stark contrast of the caliber of men and women who built the United States. Theses were the people who, in 1776, dissolved all ties with the British Crown after “warning the British government repeatedly of the circumstances of their immigration and settlement in the United States.” If it weren’t a country of outlaws, the United States would still be British America today.
The United States was formed by people who saw opportunity and knew how to capitalize on it. They knew how to create industries, employment, and a booming economy. Since the early 1600s, “Help Wanted” billboards flew up left, right, and center, and unemployment in the US was virtually non-existent. Industry build upon industry causing the United States to morph into the greatest nation on earth, financially and economically of speaking. Millions flocked to its shore to create a better life.
But somewhere along the line, the essence of American leadership became watered down…so much so that the fire of zeal of the great land of Opportunity has been reduced to a mere flicker. The modern leaders proved incapable of holding a straight line, of harnessing the vast forces of human potential available to them. Today, the US Government not only restricts persons seeking a better life on its shores, but is forcefully deporting those who risked everything to get to the land of the free.
The current leaders of the United States have forgotten their roots. They have forgotten the history of the United States and what it represents. And most of all, they have forgotten the most essential element that made the United States what it is today: a ready and steady supply of labor. It was skilled, hardworking, and qualified people from all over the world who built the United States and made it what it is today. Remove the foundation, and the building will collapse.
In implementing the emerging anti-immigration policies that we’re seeing in the United States, the current administration is making a costly oversight. The United States is likely to experience a labor shortage in the upcoming years putting the country at risk of an economic collapse. When that happens, the government might rush to reverse or relax some of its immigration policies to prevent a total economic collapse. They will be begging for people to come back to the country. Hopefully, it will not be too late.