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Video: Trinidadian Woman Picks Up Deadly Bushmaster Snake

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Published: 5th of June, 2024 by Patrick Carpen.

Last updated: June 27, 2024 at 17:23 pm

The bushmaster is one of the most feared and deadliest snakes known to man. Most people wouldn’t touch a bushmaster with a 20-foot pole. Upon sight, the dreadful creature causes fright and panic. Its bite is deadly. Its venom contains enough neurotoxins to kill an elephant.

So why would a human go so close to one as shown in the videos below? The answer is that some people are born with or have acquired a gift to charm, manipulate, or subdue these deadly creatures. It is called a “knack.” And whether God-given or learned, not everyone has this gift. People who are not sure of themselves should not try to imitate the actions depicted in the videos below.

Do not attempt to recreate or reenact any of the actions depicted in any of these videos. Doing so can result in serious injury or death.

In a previous article, I discussed the deadliness and frightful nature of the bushmaster snake…one of the world’s most feared reptiles. But here is a wildlife researcher and nature enthusiast, Kyma Ali, who gets way to cozy with the bushmaster snake. In these videos, she shares her “opinion” of the bushmaster…an opinion by the way which contrasts starkly with the opinion of most people.

They’re not big and evil creatures. Sometimes you have to take a step back, observe, and see for yourself that their sole mission is not to attack or hurt humans. Just like us, they’re trying to survive this harsh world, defending themselves when necessary. I hope as you gain more understanding about these misunderstood creatures you can show mercy when/if you encounter them.

Kyma Ali

You can follow Kyma Ali on:

Facebook: Kyma Ali

Instagram: The Animal Girl

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