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Berbice Businessman Faces Extreme Difficulties in Terminating Rental Contract with Client

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15th of March, 2024. Region 6, Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 at 20:34 pm

A Berbice, Region 6 businessman, Ramcharran Pitamber, who resides at Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice, is now regretting that he ever got involved with a particular client who rented his building after the said client is refusing to evacuate years after the contract has been terminated.

Son of Mr. Ramcharran Pitamber, Andrew Pitamber, who is a co-owner of the property, explained to this publication that his father entered into a rental contract with the said client, Mr Oswell Defreitas, about 5 years ago. The said contract ended 2 years ago but the client is refusing to evacuate opting instead to take the landlord court. Mr. Pitamber explained that he had rented the building at a less-than-usual cost to the said client because of some charitable works which was supposed to be carried out by the client. However, Pitamber explained that the client never upheld his end of the bargain in carrying out the charitable works.

Mr. Andrew Pitamber, son of the businessman, explained that, after approaching the client several times, and having been given many false promises, he had a confrontation with the client during which the police was called in and he was arrested for disorderly behavior. The Pitambers explained to this publication that although the client has a 3-storey building almost completed nearby, into which he can easily transfer his business, he is refusing to do so.

Mr. Pitamber feels that his kindness and flexibility is being taken advantage of and he is being dragged before the courts senselessly – a move which will in turn cost him more time and money for a matter that can be amicably resolved. Mr. Pitamber has now himself resorted to legal procedures to aid him in removing said client from his premise.

Mr. Pitamber is calling on the relevant authorities to pay close attention to this case and assist him wherever possible as the situation is causing him undue distress. He is also cautioning all businesspersons to be wary of the kind of people they do business with since some people are out to take advantage of the kindness of others.

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