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Brazil is Committed to Remaining Neutral in Event of War Between Guyana and Venezuela

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6th of November, 2023. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: December 6, 2023 at 15:37 pm

In a previous article, we explained how President Ali had asked President Lula of Brazil around November 19, 2023 to dissuade Nicolas Maduro from holding his December 3 referendum aimed at annexing the Essequibo county by force. We also explained how President Lula did little to nothing to help the situation. Venezuela is threatening to annex the Essequibo, and is moving forward, which by itself is a threat of war. The Guyana Government, lacking a competent military, is relying on diplomatic strength to tide Guyana over this worrying situation.

Around the 20th of November, 2023, Brazil started moving soldiers, armored vehicles, tanks, and other military equipment to its border with Venezuela – at a region called Pacaraima in the state of Roraima. Brazilian media officially announced on the 29th of November, 2023 that Brazil was reinforcing its borders to protect its citizens and prevent Venezuelan soldiers from accessing Guyana through Brazil in the event of a war.

Due to President Lula’s close ties with Nicolas Maduro, many Brazilians expressed concern that Lula might support Venezuela in its war against Guyana for the Essequibo Region. However, Lula has been very much non-vocal in his stance on the border controversy and a potential armed conflict between Guyana and Venezuela, saying at most that he supports and encourages a peaceful resolution.

On Tuesday, 5th of December, 2023, Brazil’s Ministry of Defense told Reuters that it is continuing to strengthen its military presence on its northern border with Venezuela. After the December 3 referendum was completed, the Brazilian military moved more troops and armored vehicles to Boa Vista, the capital of Roraima, which borders both Guyana and Venezuela. “The four-wheel drive Guaicuru armored vehicles will join an upgraded 18th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment whose force will increase to 600 soldiers to improve security along the border and intensify surveillance to avoid surprises,” the Ministry said.

Brazil’s Ministry of Defense clarified that the military reinforcement at the border is to prevent both Guyana and Venezuela from using its territory in the event of war. While not stated directly, this clarification screams Brazilian neutrality on the Guyana/Venezuela border conflict which is becoming tenser by the minute.

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