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Brazil Moves Troops, Military Equipment to its Border with Venezuela Amidst Fears that Venezuela Might Invade Guyana
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Brazil Moves Troops, Military Equipment to its Border with Venezuela Amidst Fears that Venezuela Might Invade Guyana

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28th of November, 2023. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: November 29, 2023 at 3:08 am

The Brazilian Army went on alert in the early hours of Saturday, 25th of November, 2023 after receiving intelligence information about a possible intention to invade Guyana from Venezuela, which would require the passage of troops through Brazilian territory. As a precaution, the High Command began the emergency mobilization of troops to the border.

🇧🇷🔰Around 16 multi-tasking armored vehicles (VBMT) from the 5th army division are on alert to be moved to Boa Vista, the state capital, in the early hours of this Saturday 2th of November, 2023. In addition to the multi-tasking armored vehicles and infantry troops, the Army also put Leopard battle tanks into motion early this Saturday (25th of November, 2023). There is still no forecast of when and for how long these troops will remain in the region, according to preliminary information obtained by Infomax from military personnel.
In addition to the vehicles, military specialists, including instructors and drivers, were also ordered to “READY FOR POSSIBLE MOVEMENT”. They should drive the VBMTs to Pacaraima in the next few hours (morning of Saturday, 25th of November, 2023).

🇧🇷🔰According to a soldier, assigned to the brigade in Roraima, the high command has been forming dozens of working groups with personnel from different Army units in various regions of the country with the aim of planning the operation on the border.

🇧🇷🔰 “In 20 years in the barracks I had not seen this yet,” he said. “They are taking a piece from each operational battalion in each part of Brazil. For example, the light infantry battalions from São Paulo are sending personnel. This information will travel quickly due to the groups formed.”

🇧🇷🔰Approximately 3 thousand men from the Brazilian Army can be moved to reinforce the force already in the border region. The emergency mobilization aims to intimidate any attempt by small pockets of Venezuelan troops to pass through Brazilian territory on their way to Guyana.

Source: Roraima Atual

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November 30, 2023 7:15 pm

I hope the USA or British have some plan to stop Maduro from invading Guyana. The corrupt brazilian President(Lula) has a great friendship with Maduro and very probably will allow them to use the brazilian territory to attack the Guyana. Hope I am wrong but can’t expect too much from a garbage like Lula.