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Lethem Man Kills Pit Bull Dog Which Allegedly Threatened His Family
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Lethem Man Kills Pit Bull Dog Which Allegedly Threatened His Family

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31st of August, 2024. Region 9. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: August 31, 2024 at 23:17 pm

A Guyanese man residing in the town of Lethem, Region 9, has reportedly killed a pit bull dog which trespassed into his property today, 31st of August, 2024. Prior to the act which he justified as self-defense and protection of family, the man, who goes by Facebook name Paul Case, posted an expletive-laden video in which he threatened to kill the dog if the owner does not come to get it in time. The man claimed in the video (posted at end of this article) that the pit bull posed a threat of bodily harm to his dogs, children, and other family members. He claimed that the pit bull attacked his dogs.

Paul’s sister, Denise Case D’Aguiar, made the following comment in response to the incident:

Well, that pit bull was at my brother’s door. He has a one year old and an eight year old son. Another brother who lives next door has a seven year old. The kids were terrified when the pit bull made a vicious attack on one of the dogs that was in the verandah. My brother had earlier sent out a message on video telling the owner to go and get the dog but to no avail. Trying to rescue his dog, my brother then picked up a cutlass and lashed out at the pit bull. The pit bull then turned his attention towards my brother and was about to attack when the brother next door went to his rescue and unfortunately the dog was put down.

Pit bulls are a rare and especially vicious breed of canine which kill and maim. They pose special danger to children, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups. Pit bulls are known to attack without warning and without provocation. They bite, claw, and tear their victims with brutal force and with intent to kill.

Guyanese are strongly advised against rearing and owning pit bulls as pets. If you do, make sure they are well trained, well fed, and well contained. The consequences of letting a pit bull roam a populated area unfettered can be catastrophic.

Warning: The Following Video Contains Irate and Foul Language. Viewer Discretion is Advised.

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