12th of December, 2023. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.
Last updated: December 14, 2023 at 14:06 pmConfidential sources close to both the Venezuelan and Brazilian government and military related to this publication, on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak about the subject, that Nicolas Maduro proposed to Lula Da Silva of Brazil that he would return the once-disputed Pirara Area to Brazil if the Brazilian government allows the Venezuelan military to access its border in order to invade Guyana through Region 9.
Venezuela’s border with Region 7, 1, and 3 is separated by thick, almost impassable jungles and unfriendly terrain. However, the Region 9 border provides better access points for movement of tanks and troops, and would be more difficult for the GDF to resist.
This proposal by Maduro carried a subtle implication of military alliance and further military help.
To the best of public knowledge, Lula Da Silva did not respond to the request. However, some sections of the Brazilian population became suspicious that Lula might back Venezuela after Brazilian troops starting amassing close to the border with Venezuela. This was compounded by the fact that Brazil did not explicitly condemn Venezuela’s advances in executing a military occupation of the Essequibo.
Brazil’s Defense Minister later announced that the troops were being amassed to protect Brazil’s border and citizens after Brazil received intelligence that Venezuela was planning to invade Guyana. The Brazilian Ministry of Defense further noted that Brazil will not let either Guyana or Venezuela use its territory if a war breaks out between the two countries, saying in essence that Brazil is committed to remaining completely neutral in the event of a war.
This proposal allegedly happened around mid-November during a special trip by Maduro to Brazil.
On the 3rd of December, 2023, Lula Da Silva openly rebuked Maduro’s aggression towards Guyana saying that he wants South America to be a zone of peace, and that the last thing the world needs right now is more war and confusion. Lula also voiced his support for Guyana saying that Brazil accepts the 1899 Paris Award which settled the border along the Schomburgh line.