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Mr. Compton Peters Responds to Allegations of Fraud and Misappropriation of Funds
28th of August, 2023. Region 9, Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.
Last updated: August 28, 2023 at 16:37 pmDear Editor,
With Reference to the malicious, libelous, and slanderous Kaieteur News Article entitled, “Major Fraud Uncovered at South Pakaraima District,” published on the 25th of August, 2023, I wish to address the following issues.

Allegations of Dilapidated Vehicles Purchase
Last month (July, 2023), myself and the toshaos traveled to Georgetown to uplift the LCDS funds at the meeting with the toshaos. Permanent secretary Ryan toolsieram offered the 2 toahaos from Yurong Paru and Kokshebai for the ministry to purchase their vehicles, but they refused. The toshaos insisted that they wanted to buy a vehicle from the same dealer where the Tiger Pond toshao purchased his vehicle sometime last year. So I went to the dealer to get a quotations and I gave it to them, and the dealer made the vehicles available for inspection at Xenon hotel before they made payments.
After inspection, I asked the toshaos if they are satisfied with the vehicles. They said “yes” even though I told them that they can get other vehicles at another dealer for a better price, and they insisted. One of the toshaos said “if the money came to spend let it be spent.” I said, “OK.”
I told them that after payments we cannot return the vehicles if anything should happen, so they agreed and the following morning they went and made payments at the dealer. I was waiting outside while they were transacting their business…..
Richard King’s Pension
Mr King authorized me to uplift his pension, but at the time I went to deliver his coupon and cash, he was not in the village causing me to return after 2 weeks to deliver his cash. But he was paid. The toshao was annoyed because I didn’t hand over the cash to him (toshao) because the residents advised me not to hand over the money to the toshao because of incidents of toshaos misusing village funds.
CSO Stipend
Many of times, CSOs leave the program and the toshaos do not inform us causing their name to re appear, and when its time for payments we have to look for the CSOs who left the program to sign because their name reappeared, then hand over the money to the person who is working in place of them.
If we don’t find the CSO whose name appears on the pay sheet, we send back the monies to MOAA and the monies will return on the next payment date on a supplementary pay sheet and they get paid.
No Reimbursement of LCDS Allowances
For meetings, the Ministry hires vehicles to bring the toshaos to Karasabai. They hire a bus to transport them to Georgetown. The only monies the MOAA reimburses the toshaos is their meals, and the transportation owners receive their monies for transportation.
Tipuru $848, 000
That money was given to purchase chicks and 100 bags of feed along with transportation and 15 zinc sheets, and it was delivered to the council together with all receipts.
Rukumuta Tractor
In the coming weeks, their tractor will be handed over, after repairs. The repairs was delayed due to the parts which had to be ordered and the funds did not cover all the expenses. The council added more funds and the tax too will be handed over in the coming week.
Rape Allegations
This was a setup by to political individuals who tried to frame me, but later after the story they apologized to me and asked me not to take further action. They accused me of paying the police and the parents causing the parents to become angry after hearing such statements.
Sometime last month, Ms. Vania Albert, a PPP political activist, Mr Marlon Edwards, and Helita Edwards invited the toshaos for a meeting. The toshaos were without any clue as to why the meeting was conveyed. They were confused only to learn that it was conveyed to petition the CDO of allegations.
The toshaos said that Ms Vania leveled some allegations against me which they the toshaos believe that it was not true and were forced to sign the letter because Ms Albert threatened the toshaos that if they don’t sign the document the PPP/C party will terminate their term in Office. This caused them to sign out of fear of being victimized according to one toshao. After the meeting, the toshaos came to my home to lodge a complaint about Ms. Albert’s behavior towards them. They even said that they were only shown the last page of the letter which they had to sign to, so up to today’s date they haven’t read what they signed on to.
Ms Albert sometime last year defrauded Yurong Paru, Tipuru, and Rukumuta $500,000 each of their royalty monies. Up to today’s date she never repayed the villages. Last week she took 250,000 from Yurong Paru to pay a lawyer without informing the council that this was done between herself and the toshao. Ms Albert is known for causing segregation between the people of South Pakarimas due to her political garden that she plays in the villages.
Mr. Editor, I thank you for permitting me a space in your publication to voice my concerns and distress over these slanderous allegations and false accusations leveled against me for malicious purposes. I assume all legal responsibility for all statements and claims made in this letter, and I am ready to defend my statements in a court of law.

Before I close, I wish to express that I feel unfairly treated and distraught at the fact that I was dealt the hand of ingratitude by my fellow PPP/C comrade. If you recall, when the PPP/C was in opposition and voiceless, I was very vocal and active working to put them in power. I traveled to every single village and spoke to people convincing them that the PPP/C has their best interest at heart. In some places where the people only understood the Makushi language, I was their lone voice. Now I am dismissed from my job into which I so heavily invested myself without giving me a chance to set the record straight.

Yours respectfully,
Compton Peters.