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MV Ma Lisha Makes Maiden Voyage from Region 4 to Region 1

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3rd of August, 2023. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: August 11, 2023 at 21:05 pm

The recently unveiled MV Ma Lisha, which was constructed in India to the tune of 12.77 million US dollars, has arrived in Guyanese waters and has set sail on its inaugural trip from Georgetown to the North West (Region 1) of Guyana, South America. The ship departed Georgetown yesterday, August 10th at 4:00 PM for its inaugural trip during which plied the waters of several rivers across Guyana to its destination in Region 1.

The MV Ma Lisha arrived from India in the month of April, 2023 and was docked at the Kingston Wharf in Georgetown. The vessel was built in India under a US$12.77 million Grant/Line of Credit line from the government of India. The 70-metre-long vessel with a speed of 15 knots is expected to sail from Georgetown to Northwest (and vice versa) in about twelve hours – half of the time it took the previous vessel of its kind. The two vessels currently plying the route take about 24 hours. The vessel is designed to carry 294 passengers, 14 vehicles, two fully-loaded trucks, 10 containers and also includes a refrigerated area. It has the capacity to carry 250 tonnes and complies with all international regulations.

The MV Ma Lisha is expected to return to Port Georgetown on Monday, 15th of August, 2023.

Earlier this year, President Ali said that this transportation factor is important in light of the fact that Region One has the capacity to produce all the cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, turmeric, ginger, cage culture fish, and other high-value commodities that the neighboring Trinidad and other Caribbean countries can utilize.

“This vessel opens up opportunities for food production, value-added food production and economic opportunities for the people of Region One. We are celebrating the launching of a vessel that will serve the people of Region One, but we are launching a vessel that will serve the economic transformation and modernization of Guyana, one that will serve the building out of Guyana as a major centre for food production.”

President, Dr. Irfaan Ali

As the ship takes care of the transportation aspect, President Ali said the way is paved for investments in agro-processing and port facilities which will allow for the building of logistics and supply capacity. 

The head of state added that, as these developments unfold, it will require the expansion of government services to improve accessibility.


A few days prior to its maiden voyage, this publication visited the MV Ma Lisha and filmed a few videos of the inside and outside. As you can see, the ship is equipped with 128 seats only – although the seating capacity is stated as 294 by the Government’s Department of Public Information.

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