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“No Way in Hell” this Driver Passed Her Driver’s License Exam
17th of January, 2025. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.
Last updated: January 17, 2025 at 5:32 amA disturbing but somewhat amusing video surfaced on social media a few days ago which shows the actions of a very incompetent female driver on the roadways of Guyana, South America. The video is posted further down this article. Although the video, which was filmed by the car’s dashcam, doesn’t show the occupants, the conversation and voices suggest that the car was at the time of the incident occupied by a man, woman, and young child.
In the video, the man is heard coaching the female driver as she attempts to break into traffic. The problem is that she was driving on the wrong side of the road, attempting to cross the road while facing oncoming traffic, instead of merging from the correct side of the road.
But it gets worse! The driver encroaches onto the roadway severely compromising incoming traffic, and at one point, when a car driver honked their horn in warning, she exclaims, “me see yuh! Go lang yuh way nuh!” as though she were a traffic officer directing traffic.
The woman then further encroaches on oncoming traffic, driving straight into the path of a heavyduty truck. The truck driver applied brakes and tried to avoid a collision but it was inevitable. The truck hit the front, right side of the car. The woman then started to shout at the truck driver that he “signaled her to go.” She argued that the truck had stopped and “signaled her to go.”
From the dashcam video, it was clear that the woman of the car did little to cross the road or avoid a collision, but instead drove straight into the path of truck. And what’s more amusing is that the man who was coaching her said that the truck driver “did that on purpose.”
It is important for all road users to understand that trucks, especially those carrying load, have much greater momentum due to the law of mass times velocity. Trucks cannot stop as easily as a smaller vehicle such as a car can. If a truck driver applies brakes too rashly, it could trigger the jackknife effect whereby the tray of the truck folds to the left or right. Putting a truck in a comprising situation greatly endangers road users.
This incident showing a clearly incompetent driver makes us wonder how this person acquired her driver’s license, and raises concern that there is corruption within the traffic department of the Guyana Police Force whereby drivers license are being “sold” instead of awarded to competent drivers. If this is happening, it greatly endangers the lives of the citizens of this country, and measures must be taken to curb this practice.