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Dog Thanks Guyanese Doctor for Saving Its Life

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Published: 2nd of May, 2024 by Patrick Carpen.

Last updated: May 2, 2024 at 18:20 pm

This is very cute, heartwarming, and humorous story of a pet dog saying thanks to a doctor for saving its life. Obviously, a dog can’t write such a letter. However, the owners of the pet dog, who cherish it dearly, would like to thank the doctor on behalf of the dog, and represents in this letter what they think the dog might have said if it could have spoken.

Sent in by Fan of the Guyana, South America Publication, Sarah Singh

A blessed Good Morning to you🙏 This is Charlie and his little story. If it is okay, would it be possible for you to post this on your page? With all respect 🙌 peace and love ✌❤

Sarah Singh – 2nd of May, 2024

Hello everyone!

My name is Charlie, and I am 1 year, 6 months old. I was a little baby in Trinidad when my mom and dad adopted me while they were on vacation. I am now a citizen in Guyana. I love to play outdoors, play in the rain, play in the sun, long walks, long run and car drives. Let’s just say that I am a very mischievous little boy.

One day I was out playing, and my mom noticed that my head was bleeding. She immediately rushed me to NB Veterinary Services. I was checked by all the veterinarians, and I made lots of human friends on this day. Although, I was ready to roll out, the big boss, Dr Nardeo Bassoodeo, approached with the result that I have a tumor growing right above my skull and that I need surgery immediately.

My parents agreed, and Dr Nardeo Bassoodeo went ahead and took the tumor out. He saved my life that day and if it wasn’t for him, I would not be here to tell my story. I am alive because of him and today I would like to THANK HIM very much for all the effort he put into making sure I got better. He and this staffs made sure that I got home safe that day and they saw me every Saturday for an entire month after the surgery to ensure that my scar was healing.

Many times, I would try to hide in the car from the vet because I was afraid that I would have to do a surgery again. But the other doctors comforted me and made me feel safe after I was forced to go in. I would like to extend my love to all the doctors who never told me their names and a special thank you to my close human friend #Kesho who knows exactly how to love me up right before he gives me all those injections. He is really good at his job and he makes sure that I am not scared and he always makes sure he rubs my head.

Today I am a very Healthy and Happy puppy and I will be participating at the #DogExpo on the 5th of May, 2024 all because of the big boss!

Thank You #DrNardeoBassoodeo 😊 Wish me all the best at the #Expo!! Dogs of Guyana.

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