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National Votes Recount: Day 3

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Photo by Patrick Carpen

Georgetown, Guyana, South America.

At the end of day 3 of the national votes recount, today, May 8th, 2020, a total of 88 ballot boxes have been counted. That gives an estimated average of 30 ballot boxes per day. At this pace, just 750 ballot boxes would be completed in 25 days, but there are a total of 2339 ballot boxes to be counted in all. This raises questions as to how the 25 days plan will work.

During today’s count, there have been very few incidents and interruptions. However, there was one disturbing incident where the chairman of ANUG, Mr. Timothy Jonas, who is a party agent for his party observing the recount, was called by a doctor from the Ministry of Health and told that it was reported that he (Mr. Jonas) is displaying respiratory symptoms consistent with coronavirus.

Mr. Jonas denies having any respiratory symptoms and hints that the developments might be part of a conspiracy to bar him from observing the recount process.

Read Story: Apparent Conspiracy Afoot to Bar Mr. Timothy Jonas from National Recount.

Apart from these developments, there have been, once again, Facebook Posts coming from one “James Bond,” an APNU/AFC supporter, that the count was interrupted due to PPP/C inconsistencies. However, this report appears to be false.

Stay tuned for day 4 – tomorrow, May 9, 2020.

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