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Fighters on the Front Lines

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Last updated: August 3, 2020 at 10:48 am

Update: 2nd of August, 2020. David Granger finally concedes defeat paving the way for the swearing in of Dr. Irfaan Ali who is now the democratically elected president of Guyana, South America.

While we celebrate victory and freedom for Guyana, let us not forget that in 2020, it did not come easy. Let’s take a moment to remember those who fought with unwavering resolve to ensure that democracy prevails and rule of law is respected – even when there was little or nothing to gain from it.

Let’s take a moment to honor those who fearlessly brought Guyana out of the claws of dictatorship.

25th of July, 2020 – Georgetown, Guyana, South America.

The David Granger Administration and his rigging cabal, disregarding the rule of law, are desperately trying to steal Guyana’s 2020 elections and plunge Guyana into a state of dictatorship.

Supporters of the David Granger Administration are now proposing calling a state of emergency and ruling by Martial Law – effectively creating an oligarchy – a state in which a small group of people have control of the country while the common people suffer.

Thankfully, there are people on the front lines of the fight for democracy who are determined not to let that happen. Here are some of the valiant men on the front lines of the fight to save Guyana’s democracy.

These men are backed by a conglomerate of international powers which include the United States, Canada, UK, EU, CARICOM, the Commonwealth and the OAS, while the David Granger illegal rigging administration is backed by a bunch of greedy politicians and supporters who are desperate for ill gotten political gains.

These front line fighters have been guarding the ballot boxes day and night since the March 4th attempt to rig the elections in favor of the APNU/AFC. They have been fighting court cases after court cases staged by the APNU/AFC aimed at derailing the electoral process and they have been reaching out to the less fortunate during the COVID-19 and economic crisis.

Note: This list does not include ALL the front line fighters for democracy but those who appear most often in the media. If we have missed someone important, please let us know by email:

Marcel Persaud – PPP Activist
Sase Gunraj – PPP appointed commissioner – GECOM
Lenox Shuman – Leader and Presidential Candidate of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP)
Jermaine Gentle – PPP/C Politician
Timothy Jonas – Chairman of ANUG
Dr. Josh Kanhai – Founding Member – The New Movement (TNM) political party.
Sasenarine Singh – PPP/C politician
Brigadier Mark Phillips – PPP/C Prime Ministerial Candidate
Dr. Irfaan Ali – Democratically Elected President of Guyana as of March 2, 2020
Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo – Former President of Guyana and General Secretary of the PPP/C
Quacy Munroe – PPP/C Political Activist
Anil Nandlall – Lawyer and Attorney General of Guyana, South America.
Bryan Max – Businessman

When all is said and done, these are the some of the people who will be etched into Guyana’s history for freeing the country from the claws of dictatorship.

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