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I am not a Racist, but the Emperor is Naked! – Guyanese Critic

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17th of July, 2020. Georgetown, Guyana, South America.

I am a Black man. My hair says it, my nose says it – my features say it. And the fact that my father is black and mother is Portuguese, I know it and I’m proud of it!

Recently I apologized for things that I said that many Guyanese took offense to. Persons deemed me a racist. That label cut deep, as I knew it not to be anywhere near the truth. I am a free spirit, and never have lived with hatred in my being.

Let me say it loud and clear if I have not said it before, I am not a racist, never was a racist and can never be a racist. My heart is with Guyana and all Guyanese. I am what I am and can’t be anything else. I have become known as Guyanese Critic for one reason and one reason alone, my fearless advocacy for Guyanese.

Today, yet again some have tried to taint me, and portray me as having a problem with black people. They are trying to shift the focus from their wicked intentions.

There is a problem in Guyana, and it is evident to the world. There are some in Guyana who are rabidly hungry for power and along with their blind followers, would go to any lengths to get what they want, even destroying Guyana and her image to get power.

When Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley, who is black, spoke about their wrongdoing, they attacked her in a vile, personal manner. When former Jamaican Prime Minister and head of the OAS elections observer team in Guyana, Bruce Golding, called them out for their wicked ways, they attacked his character. Former Barbadian Prime Minister Owen Arthur spoke about the wrong he saw, and he was labeled as a friend of the PPP.

When the American Ambassador, British High Commissioner, Canadian High Commissioner and European Union envoy called them out on what they witnessed themselves as electoral fraud, they were labeled as Colonizers, former slave owners, racists and Colonialists.

Caricom’s new Chairman was labeled a rapist after his statements on the electoral fraud in Guyana.

The list of persons who this RIGGING cabal and their FOLLOWERS try to bring down with their vile and vulgar racist-incited attacks continues to grow. That is not my opinion, that is a matter of fact! That is recorded in online publications and in print media. It is clear as day that the intentions are to heartlessly and maliciously divide Guyanese along racial lines – something they have failed miserably at doing, since Guyanese have no interest in being divided, because we all see what this cabal has to offer.

That being said, I will no longer tolerate anyone labeling me as racist because I am outspoken. I might be insensitive at times in my moment of frustration with these RIGGERS, but my posts are not the worst responses that this cabal has seen. Guyana is facing sanctions as a result of this cabal’s wicked ways, not my posts.

I will not have anyone try to create divisions between me and my fellow Guyanese brothers and sisters based on racist narratives that they create. I will continue to speak for all Guyanese without fear or favour, and Guyanese can continue to depend on my service to all.

To those who fear the truth, Mia Mottley was right in saying, “The Truth Hurts”. I will add that the truth shall set you free.

What is happening is a classic case of the Emperor’s New Clothes. The cabal is trying to show people that they have on the finest clothes made by the best tailors in GECOM, but the whole world, including the Guyanese Critic, sees that the Emperor is naked.

Guyanese Critic

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4 years ago

Well said critic i 100% support your statments and you

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