19th of December, 2020. Guyana, South America
Last updated: December 19, 2020 at 22:15 pmBefore sewing lessons, I admired other people involved in the art of sewing such as making beautiful dresses, tops, skirts etc…thinking to myself how blessed that individual is for possessing such a talent! – Natasha Khan
Today, Natasha has taken another stop to fulfilling the dream that fuels her ambition and drives her to success: the passion for making beautiful clothing. On the 15th of December, 2020, the young woman was one of a class of students who graduated from the Humanitarian Mission Guyana’s sewing program.
Natasha had enrolled for the Humanitarian Mission Guyana’s sewing program on the 11th of January, 2020, and today, she is thankful that she and her class have been able to complete the exciting journey even through a pandemic.
The industrious young woman has expressed profound gratitude for the services and generosity of the Humanitarian Mission Guyana – a charitable organization which seeks to empower Guyanese of all ages, races, classes and conditions and help them lead a prosperous life.
Every end has a new beginning. Today might be the last day for some of us as students in sewing classes, but I believe our learning will actually start from today.
Natasha khan – December 2020
Learn more about the Humanitarian Mission Guyana.