First Published: 30th of April, 2021. Region 6, Guyana, South America.
Last updated: April 30, 2021 at 20:20 pmThe Humanitarian Mission Guyana, based in Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana, South America, has this week ambitiously set 93 Guyanese men and women on the path to aspiring success.
Founder of the Humanitarian Mission Guyana, Mr. Suresh Sugrim, has always emphasized the merits of the timeless proverb: give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to fish and you feed him for life.
As such, the main policy and aim of the Humanitarian Mission Guyana is to equip Guyanese of all ages, races, and religions to provide for themselves by utilizing their God-given talents and abilities while providing meaningful services for their communities, country, and the world at large.
Early this year, founder of the Humanitarian Mission Guyana, Mr. Suresh Sugrim, flew back from his home in the United States to help organize and witness firsthand the graduation ceremony of the 93 successful students who will now see the world through entirely new lens.
Programs offered by the Humanitarian Mission Guyana include cooking, sewing, cake decoration, catering, carpentry, electrical installations, woodworking, and much more.
The Humanitarian Mission Guyana seeks to reduce poverty, domestic discord, and criminal activities by empowering Guyanese through education and training programs. We encourage you to take advantage of the many courses if you or someone you know may be in need of such.
And more importantly, we encourage you to give back if you are in a position to contribute to the Mission’s cause in any way possible.
Learn more about the Humanitarian Mission Guyana:
Facebook Page: Humanitarian Mission Guyana.
Physical Address: 14-26 Area Q Ankerville Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice
Telephone: 336-6913 or 615-2433 – 680 1008