24th of September, 2021. Georgetown, Guyana, South America
Last updated: September 24, 2021 at 19:18 pmSadly, this is the reality that we as Guyanese have to live in every day in our beautiful country of Guyana, South America. Hardly a day goes by without one of these vultures swooping down on an unsuspecting victim going about his or her day to day activities.
We are often warned to be careful when going in and out of banks, especially in Georgetown, and not to walk in certain places after 6:00 PM. And we are warned so for good reason. The vultures are hiding in concealed corners and dark places ready to pounce on the unsuspecting victim. At best, the victim may loose their valuable possessions, and at worst, their very life.
Let’s take a look at one of these vultures attacking a citizen in an alleyway in Georgetown, Region 4, Guyana, South America. He walks up next to the man and brandishes a knife. He then carries out his brutal attack and relieves his victim of his haversack. We can only imagine the financial loss and inconvenience this may have caused the victim.
We just have to hope that one day, when this vulture attacks an innocent citizen, that that citizen is armed with a loaded firearm, and empties it into the body of this despicable creature. One bullet at a time, we can make Guyana a safer, cleaner, and better place.
But the million dollar question is: What is the Guyana Government to rid the country of these unwanted rodents?