12th October, 2021. Region 2, Guyana, South America.
Last updated: October 12, 2021 at 10:22 amGuyana is a land of scenic beauty, natural wonders, and exotic tourist destinations. However, due to poor infrastructure and high costs of travel, as well as a wanting hospitality industry, getting to those refreshing destinations are often a challenge – for both local and foreign travelers.
A Guyanese citizen has reached out to this publication to highlight the inconvenience and rundown state of the the Charity Wharf in Region 2, as shown in the picture above. According to the citizen, the docking facility for passenger speedboats at Charity Wharf are so poor and inadequate, that, aside from being a great inconvenience, it also poses a risk to life and limb.
As you can see from the photo above, there are no proper stairs leading from the dock to the boat, and passengers have to “jump” or be lifted in and out of the boats. These precarious conditions serve as a deterrent for both local and foreign travelers who may want to explore the beautiful Essequibo Islands and other destinations across our beautiful country.
Yes, we know that Rome wasn’t build in a day, but it can be built one day at a time. And on this note, perhaps today is the day for the Charity Wharf at Region 2, and many others of its kind across the country, to be given the overhaul or facelift that it so desperately needs.
Team Guyana, South America joins the local citizens in calling on the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and the Ministry of Tourism to address this problem immediately and at all costs so as to streamline travel across our beautiful country – one step at a time.