19th of November, 2021. International News. United States of America
Last updated: November 19, 2021 at 16:59 pmFor a brief, transitory moment in American history today, Kamala Harris’ title changed from Vice President to President of the United States. As insignifcant as this moment may be against the centuries-long timeline of past and present US presidents, it is a symbolic moment for colored people in the United States and around the world.
The power struggle between whites and “colored” peoples is a hallmark of United States history. Unfortunately, racism is rife in the United States – a country whose administrative policies often border on white supremacy ideologies. Except for Barrack Obama, who is 50% white and 50% black, but who nevertheless identifies as black, all US presidents up to this date has been white. Nevertheless, the majority of colored people in the United States seem comfortable with this arrangement.
As of today, 19th of November, 2021, no woman president has ever been elected as president of the United States. Kamala Harris made US history for being the first woman Vice President of the United States, and further, for holding the title, even if for a few short hours, of President of the United States.
Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, is what Guyanese would refer to as a “dougla girl.” She is of East Indian and African Heritage, but in the United States, she is simply classified as black. For a brief period of today, she made American history by becoming the first black, woman president of the United States.
President Joe Biden was forced to transfer presidential powers to vice president Kamala Harris today, 19th of November, 2021, before going under anesthesia for a routine colonoscopy. A similar situation was played out in 2002 and 2007 with former US president George W Bush who had gone under anesthesia for the same medical procedure on two occasions.
This publication understands that President Joe Biden has successfully completed his medical procedure and has resumed duties as president. Nevertheless, this brief, transitory moment in United States history is symbolic for colored people all across the United States, and the world, who view this unprecedented event as one which breaks racial barriers and a prelude of greater things to come.