9th of February, 2022. Georgetown, Guyana, South America
Last updated: February 9, 2022 at 22:28 pmPopular social media personality and reporter, the Guyanese Critic, on his nightly Live Facebook Show, mocked the 100 million dollar lawsuit drawn up against him by Mr. Keron Bruce. Dressed in a “joker customer” the Guyanese critic assured his 160,000 + followers that he is ready to challenge the lawsuit in court fearlessly, and also satirically reaffirmed his stance that Keron Bruce is indeed the person behind the infamous “Mudwata” cartoon.
In a sarcastic tone, the Guyanese Critic rhetorically asked if he, having attacked politicians, broken the parking meter system, called people “hungry belly dawgs,” and covered riots on the scene, would be afraid of Bruce’s court action.
Keron Bruce was arrested on suspicions of being the person behind the infamous cartoon character “Mudwata” which makes fun of Guyanese political and other figures sometimes using the vilest of language. He is especially noted for his evident homophobia.
After verbally attacking a local news personality, Leroy Smith, the said Smith reported the person behind the cartoon character for cybercrimes and offered a reward of 1 million dollars for anyone with credible information leading to the identify of the Mudwata cartoon character. A few days later, Keron Bruce, who denied being Mudwata, was arrested by police and charged for cybercrimes.
Mr. Bruce, maintaining his innocence, has filed a 100-million dollar lawsuit against the Guyanese Critic for saying on his Facebook show that Keron Bruce is indeed the person behind Mudwata.