24th of February, 2022. Region 6, Guyana, South America
Last updated: February 24, 2022 at 20:50 pmA few days ago, we published a story about a young woman who was attacked and brutally chopped by an angry mob while coming home from the shop near to her home. You can read the story again here: Cutlass Attack: Victim Says She Was Terrorized by Attacker For Years.
The woman told this publication today that, despite the video evidence which went viral on social media, and which shows clearly how she was attacked while pushing her bicycle along the street, her attackers are still walking free and were not locked up by the police.
Amrita Singh, who received six stitches to her head due to the chop, related to this publication that today, 22nd of February, was the day of her first court hearing. She related that the two females who attacked her, one who grabbed her and hit her with a bottle, and the other who dealt her the chop, were granted bail of $25,000 each and were walking free until the next court day which is March 4, 2022.
Amrita says that she fears that if she loses the case, her attackers might try to hurt her again, and this time, the consequences might be worse. And for this reason, she says she cannot afford to lose the case. She says she is worried that her attackers may have certain “connections” since it is confusing the way they are left to roam free despite their crime.
I don’t want to lose this case because these people have lines with some of the police at Whim Police Station, and if they are free, they will do the same again to me and other people too, and then others might want to do the same thing to other human beings. And I don’t want this to happen.
amrita singh – feb 24, 2022
Amrita further said that a Newsroom article erroneously stated that the two people were arrested while in fact no arrests were made. She said the judge even commented that they were not supposed to be granted bail after committing such a heinous act.
Team Guyana, South America urges all relevant authorities and senior persons within the police force to pay special attention to this case and ensure that the course of justice is not perverted.