20th of March, 2022. International News. Russia/Ukraine War. GSA News
Last updated: March 27, 2022 at 14:45 pmDespite worldwide outcry and condemnation of Russia’s offensive, and despite attempts by various world leaders to broker a ceasefire, the end of the Russia/Ukraine war might drag on for a very long time. Exactly how long is not clear at this moment, but what is clear is that it will take a miracle or very drastic action from world powers to put a stop to Russian hostilities.

Held in check by Putin’s threat of nuclear warfare, Western powers are constrained to look on in despair while sending weapons, money, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. From the United States President to the Queen of England, to celebrities, organizations, and private companies, support for Ukraine in the form of money, humanitarian aid, and weapons have been pouring into Ukraine like an inexhaustible deluge from all corners of the world, except for a few countries which have either supported Russia or remained neutral.

Embattled Putin recently called on his longtime ally, Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for help, supposedly extracting his dues for Russia’s role in keeping the embattled Syrian President in power. Starting since 2011, rebel forces, backed by the United States and several other countries, attempted to oust the controversial Syrian president, but Russian forces, which entered the war in 2015, changed the game and kept Assad in power.

Whether as paying back a debt, an act of gratitude, or simply feeling compelled to support his European ally, the Syrian president stands in full support of Russia, and already, both Syrian government forces as well as volunteers looking to escape the harsh life in Syria have pledged military support to Russia. This is in addition to the stockpiles of weapons supplied to Russia by Syria.
“If Syrian fighters freeze in Ukraine, our artillery will warm them up.”
Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy,
As the world looks on in despair and outrage, the war in Russia rages on, and shows no signs of ending anytime soon – unless, of course, world leaders get out of their comfort zone and take drastic measures to end this protracted conflict once and for all.
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