26th of March, 2022. International News. Russia/Ukraine War. GSA News
Last updated: March 27, 2022 at 15:52 pmIf a nuclear war breaks out, life on earth will never be the same. Yet, Vladimir Putin continues to play Russian Roulette with the world.
NATO, the European Union, and their allies are on their toes as Russia threatens to use its nukes in the war against Ukraine. Russian nuclear policy states that Moscow has the right to utilize its nuclear arsenal if its existence is being threatened – even if the enemy country has not used nuclear weapons.
According to Deputy Head of the Security Council for the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, Russian law indicates four grounds on which Moscow can use nuclear weapons:
- The first is when Russia is first attacked with nuclear weapons by an enemy state.
- The second is if one of Russia’s allies is attacked by nuclear weapon, or if Russia in any shape or form feels the threat of a nuclear attack.
- The third is if any country attacks Russia’s military and infrastructure in an attempt to destroy or disable Russia’s nuclear arsenal or defense.
- And finally, if Russia’s existence is being threatened in a war – even if the enemy country did not use nuclear weapons.
Putin had earlier used nuclear threats to keep Western Forces in check, but now he is threatening to use it on Ukraine in a desperate bid to win the war.
How Putin interprets “existential threat” at this moment is the sensitive and somewhat worrying issue, since he could easily intentionally misapply the concept as an excuse to launch a nuclear attack on Ukraine. Many world leaders are worried that Putin could use the current stalemate in Ukraine as an excuse for “existential threat.”
Russia has faced fierce resistance in the war in Ukraine which it started over a month ago on February, 24th, 2022. – a war Putin thought would have been finished within a few days. So far, a considerable number of Russian troops have been killed in fighting. On Friday, 25th of March, 2022, Russian media announced that 1,300 Russian troops have been killed as the Russian military struggles to hold its ground in key Ukrainian cities. But this figure may not be accurate. NATO said it estimated that 7,000 to 15,000 Russian soldiers might have been killed in the war so far, while Kyiv said it estimated that more than 16,000 Russians were killed. Although the exact figure is not known, it is expected that the Kremlin would downplay its losses in Ukraine to save face.
Volunteer troops from many parts of the world (especially the United States and UK) have arrived in Ukraine to fight alongside Ukrainian defenders. A recent video (posted below), shows a group of USA volunteer soldiers taking back a key Ukrainian city from Russian occupiers.
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