6th of May, 2022. Guyana, South America. GSA News
Last updated: May 6, 2022 at 19:42 pmGuyanese Quacy Hector is standing at the door of a giant leap in his musical career and wants you to give him a little push. You can do it!
According to a feature in the Guyana Chronicle on December, 17th, 2021, Linden-born Quacy Desmond Hector was just ten when he absolutely fell in love with the sounds of instruments, vocals, and rythyms, and rhymes associated with music. And despite limited opportunities, discouragement, and setbacks, he never stopped pursuing his dream.

Up for grabs is $200,000 Jamaican dollars and a career advancement. Here is how you can help our local boy win.
- Click this link and view, like, comment, and share his video clip on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CdMji6tjSyx/
- You’re done!
The more people who views, likes, shares, and comments on his video clip, the greater the chance that Quacy will win this competition!
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