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Ministry of Housing Destroys Houses Leaving Citizens Homeless in Region 10

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8th of May, 2022. Region 10. Guyana, South America. GSA News

Last updated: May 10, 2022 at 9:55 am

This publication has received credible information from several reliable sources that the Ministry of Housing, during a construction exercise in Region 10, has destroyed the houses of several citizens of Guyana leaving them homeless. These were mostly squatters and people who could not afford housing at more desirable places.

Speaking to Demerara Waves, the Minister of Housing, Collin Croal, said that he had warned the squatters that their homes would be destroyed if they didn’t move in a timely manner. The threat was heartlessly carried out on Saturday, 7th of May, 2022 leaving several citizens homeless for mother’s day 2022. According to the Minister, the destruction exercise was actually part of a construction project whereby the razed houses stood in the way of proposed road which would be part of a new housing scheme of 40 new houses in Amelia’s Ward, Region 10.

According to reports received, the Ministry of Housing did not make any effort to relocate and rehouse the affected persons. Instead, public-spirited persons moved to the rescue operation and are currently in the process of putting back a shelter over the heads of displaced persons.

Team Guyana, South America calls on the Guyana Government to correct this grave injustice by relocating and rehousing those citizens affected by this operation.

Update: Displaced Linden Squatters to be Relocated and Compensated – Ministry of Housing

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