14th of June, 2022. International News. Russia/Ukraine War. GSA News
Last updated: June 14, 2022 at 23:01 pmAs the Russia/Ukraine War surpasses 112 days of fighting, Ukrainian officials have reported that an estimated 100 to 200 Ukrainian fighters die in combat every day. Others, including civilians, die under other difficult circumstances in the war-torn regions of the country. The situation is truly appalling. But what’s more appalling is the world’s reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Aside from “strongly condemning” the invasion and sending weapons, Ukraine’s allies have done little more than sit down, eat popcorn, and enjoy the show.
World powers have sent a strong message to Russia and the world at large that they are afraid of the Kremlin. And this was highlighted in the refusal to close the skies over Ukraine because it might be seen as an act of aggression. NATO and it’s allies are essentially telling the Kremlin that they are morbidly afraid of it and fear a Russian reaction should they close the airspace over Ukraine.
Sending weapons to Ukraine only intensifies the fighting and results in greater casualties, including civilian casualties, on both sides. The prospects for a Ukrainian victory, despite its valiant men and women, are pretty slim as of this moment. There are already a growing number of pro-Russian separatists inside of Ukraine betraying their own country and handing it over to Russia. Defenders of Ukraine not only have to face the Russian enemy, but the traitors within. As Zelensky pleads for more help and the United States and allies pledge more weapons, the outcome of the war grows more worrying by the minute.
If Russia wins this war and converts Ukraine into a Russian territory, then Russia and its allies will become the world’s most formidable military power.