19th of June, 2022. Region 7, Guyana, South America. GSA News.
Last updated: June 19, 2022 at 14:00 pm28-year-old Bartica boat captain, Saigan Hopkinson, was found dead on June 6th, 2022. Police ruled the case an accident, but the family believes he was murdered and wants a thorough investigation. This is their story.
We are calling for a thorough investigation into the death of our son and Beloved Bartician Saigon Hopkinson. This was a young man who was not a newbie, he wasn’t a no voice, he was well versed, he was experienced, a mechanic, a carpenter, construction worker, and an excellent champion boat racer in almost every regatta.
So this wasn’t somebody who didn’t know his way around in that kind of environment. A licensed boat captain, not a sailor on the boat (vessel): this was a 28-year-old licensed boat captain who understood health and safety and knew his way around. Therefore, this doesn’t make any sense.
Let’s speculate…. The toxic fumes that are given off from the fuel tank…how come it didn’t suffocate his retriever who claimed they took his body out the fuel tank, which by the way has the size of a five gallon barrel. When his parents came to identify his body he was lying on top of the boat. When his family collected the deceased’s clothes, it revealed that there is no residue nor scent on his clothes.
So this tells a story that he did not die in the fuel tank. The deceased’s neck was broken and none of this was listed on the autopsy results which only states:
- Respiratory Distress
- Fuel Inhalation.
The clear evidence speaks for itself.
Of the photos which the police from region two (2) took on the day of Saigon Hopkinson’s death (06.06.2022), they claimed all appeared blurred so they have no evidence to provide in photo but only what his parents took on the day of his death.
No one was ever interrogated in relation to Saigan Hopkinson’s death.
We are a peaceful family but we are not foolish so what was presented to the public about the death of Saigon Hopkinson they want us to accept something that is unacceptable, all we seek are answers so Saigon Hopkinson can get justice and those who are involved of his death be brought to justice.
Our family is ready to have his body exhumed if it comes to that so that the truth can be revealed so we can have justice and closure we are ready to go down that road.