27th of June, 2022. Guyana, South America. GSA News
Last updated: June 27, 2022 at 16:59 pmAfter being transported from Region 7, the body of Anisa Miguel arrived this afternoon, 27th of June, 2022, at the Georgetown Public Hospital Mortuary. There, the police called the close relatives to confirm that it is really her.
The relatives related to this publication that it was difficult to identify Anisa as her body was in a state of advanced decomposition and was also swollen. However, they have confirmed the identity based on features such as her hair and teeth as well as her facial features. The relatives say that although it was difficult to identify her, that they believe that the body is that of Anisa Miguel.
A post-mortem examination is scheduled for Wednesday, 29th of June, 2022 in the morning. After that, the body will be sealed in a coffin and transported to Lethem. Burial may take place on Friday if all goes as planned. When the body arrives in Lethem, viewing of the body will not be possible due to the advanced state of decomposition.
Police have kept three persons in custody who will not be released until after the post mortem examination is concluded and only if foul play has been ruled out. The doctors will try to determine the exact cause of death on Wednesday. A suspicious red mark is on the neck.
Although Anisa’s mother is still alive, she is somehow, for some unclear reasons, not in the picture at this moment. Anisa’s dad is elderly and unwell at this moment. As a result, Anisa’s aunt, Ingrid Miguel, will be shouldering all responsibilities for Anisa’s wake and funeral arrangements. Ingrid will also be taking legal custody of Anisa’s 4-year-old son.
If you would like to make financial contributions to Ingrid Miguel which will go towards Anisa’s wake, funeral, and the care of her child, please contact Ingrid on (592) 653 2831 (WhatsApp Available). You can simply click the WhatsApp button below to connect with Ingrid via WhatsApp.