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Residents of Wakenaam Threatened by Snakes

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21st of July, 2022. Region 3, Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News

Last updated: July 21, 2022 at 13:03 pm

Residents of Wakenaam Island on the Essequibo River, Region 3, have reached out to this publication to highlight a disturbing issue and call on the relevant authorizes to relieve their distress by addressing the matter at hand. According to the residents, there is a drain at Good Success, Wakenaam, which hasn’t been cleaned for 19 years, and as a result, snakes are breeding inside, putting the residents of nearby houses in danger.

According to the residents, on several occasions, snakes from the drain crawled all the way into the houses of residents, and at one most frightening instance, a three-year-old came face to face with one of the snakes. In fact, one resident told this publication that her 3-year-old daughter was confronted by a snake in their house on three separate occasions.

The residents say that the stagnant water of the drain contributes to the proliferation of mosquitoes and the thick bushes form the ideal breeding ground for dangerous snakes. The residents related that they have made numerous requests to the Village Office for the drains to be cleaned, but their words keep falling on deaf ears. As such, they are left with no choice but to bring their story to media, hoping things will change.

According to the residents, the trench falls on government reserves land, but the Village Office has argued that it is private property, perhaps making an excuse as to why they are not cleaning it. But whether the land is private or government owned, it should be the duty of the Village Office to ensure it is kept to the standard required for a residential area.

We all know that the dam is on government reserves land, but here we were told that the dam was sold to someone and the person plant up a lot of mango trees on it. We’re really suffering a lot here because of the trench. If you or anyone can get this information to circulate and let our president see what’s going on here at Wakenaam, we’d highly appreciate it.

Resident of Wakenaam Island, Region 3.

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