This article has been migrated to: Owner of “100 Windows” House Issues Notice to Public on the Guyana, South America Official Website
24th of August, 2022. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News
Last updated: December 15, 2022 at 18:34 pmThe archaic 100 windows house located at No. 19 village is a relic of colonial rule in Guyana, South America. The gigantic structure has been there for perhaps a century, and needless to say, has fascinated the general Guyanese population. Often, travelers and vacationers have stopped to take photos from the road, but many have ventured beyond the gates into the private property to have a close-up view and take more pictures.
In this context, the owner of the house, who identifies as Maria Fraser, has issued a notice to the general public that they need to be more tactful in doing things. She reminds us that the house is located on privately owned land, and should be respected as such. Of course, Maria says she welcomes persons who are curious to learn more about the structure or would like to take photos. They are free to visit, but they must schedule an appointment with the owners of the property first, rather than barge in uninvited.
The house and the property on which it sits is owned by the Fraser family of No. 19 Village. The owners have chosen to preserve it for its historical value and have chosen instead of replacing it to build a modern family home next to it, as you can see in the picture above.
Full Statement from Maria Fraser
Dear all,
The Fraser farm, also known as the 100 window house, is not a public place open to the General public to visit. It is a home for the family and family friends. Just like your home.
I’m kindly asking the public, if you want to visit make contact with the owner first (Myself). I know you all are eager to learn about the history or more so a photo. But there is the right way to do so.
It’s a private property. You wouldn’t like me go opening your gate and walking into your kitchen without permission?
1.Dont just drive in and demand photo! Contact the owner before doing so.
2. IT IS NOT A LOVER LANE ,so don’t go parking in the middle of my drive way.
3. Don’t drone my home either, With OUT PERMISSON
4. If you want to take photo, you can surely take it from the gate on the road.
Thank you!
Source: Maria Fraser