18th of September, 2022. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.
Last updated: September 18, 2022 at 15:59 pmThe Amerindian Heritage Pageant 2022 was concluded last evening, Saturday, 17th of September, 2022 at the National Cultural Centre with Miss Amber Andrews of Region 5 being crowned the Amerindian Heritage Queen 2022 and Miss Kristie Rembharat at her heels as the first runner up.
However, a number of influential public figures, mostly of indigenous descent, took to social media to voice their dissatisfaction with the outcome of the pageant, arguing that Kristie Rembharat was clearly the winner and accusing the judges of cheating.
Natasha Smith-Thomas, a news presenter at the Department of Public Information, and a person of indigenous heritage herself, posted today:
The Final Segment of the Miss Amerindian Heritage Pageant may be redone, most likely during this week…Judges tallies are clear…the error rests with the tally clerk: Source.
Her statement received a resounding applause, however, it led many to question why a replay of the entire segment is needed and not a simple recount if indeed the error was with the tallying clerk.
One of Guyana’s most popular news outlet, Newsroom, made the following announcement today:
CONTROVERSY: Amber Andrews from Moraikobai, Region Five, was late Saturday crowned Miss Amerindian Heritage 2022, sparking outrage from the crowd and those at home, as they felt her final answer was not the best. The judges’ decision is usually final, but the News Room understands the tallying of the scores is being relooked at as there was some amount of confusion between the tally clerk and the auditor. When contacted, chief judge Sonia Noel declined to comment. She indicated that a press release will be forthcoming and that the judges and officials of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, which organizes the pageant, are expected to host a press conference on Monday to set the record straight.
Team Guyana, South America wishes to advise all disgruntled supporters that we feel your pain and we understand your frustration. At the same time, we wish to advise that the judges’ decision should be final. Any withdrawal and reassigning of the crown will be uncouth and distasteful and totally unfair to Miss Andrews who has already been ceremoniously crowned. She too has her fans, supporters, and followers who would be equally disheartened if the crown is so unceremoniously taken away from her.
We are of the opinion that a Commission of Inquiry should be launched to determine if there were any errors or cheating, and measures should be put in place to prevent such in the future. However, the judges decision should remain final.
She was my pick even before the start of the pageant