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Police Sergeant Commits Suicide after Allegedly Killing Mother of his Children

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23rd of September, 2022. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.

Last updated: September 23, 2022 at 13:51 pm

This is indeed a tragic situation. Now the children are left to grow up without mother or father. People are going through tough times everyday, but we’d like to encourage you to stay strong, cut your losses, and walk away from toxic people and situations. Violence is not the answer. There will be a brighter day. Team Guyana, South America extends heartfelt condolences to everyone affected by this tragedy.

GPF | Commander for Regional Division #2, Superintendent Khemraj Shivbaran said ranks are presently investigating a report of an incident involving Sergeant 17775 Rory Francis of Anna Regina Police Headquarters, and the mother of his children (now deceased) which occurred today (Friday 23rd of September, 2022).

At about 09:05 hrs today, a woman visited the Police Station and reported that Sergeant 17775 Rory Francis, who is stationed at the Regional Police Division #2 in charge of the Office of Professional Responsiblity (OPR), was trying to kill her daughter at Riverstown, Essequibo Coast.

As a result, Regional Police Commander Superintendent Khemraj Shivbaran and other ranks proceeded to the mentioned area. On arrival, Sergeant Francis’ car # PAB 8894 was found in a rice field with all windows up. A female (age, name and address unknown *at that point in time*) was about ten (10) feet from the vehicle, clad in a green and white stripe jacket and green skirt. The woman appeared to be motionless. A black handbag was attached to her left hand, and a plastic bottle was seen next to her right hand (suspected to have contained poison).

Checks were made inside motor car PAB 8894, and Sergeant Francis was seen in the driver’s seat, in an inclined position and in an unconscious state. He was extracted from the vehicle and taken to Suddie Public Hospital, along with the female. The following items were found in the car: one (1) black Samsung cell phone, one multi-coloured shirt and one (1) grey trousers. The crime scene is presently cordoned off and is being processed.

Police later identified the woman as Hannah Christine Boston, (DOB 23rd July, 1997), of Lima Sands; and the mother of the children of Sergeant 17775 Rory Francis in charge of Anna Regina (ORR).

The female Hannah Christine Boston was pronounced dead @ 11:25 hrs by Dr. Malinee Singh at the Suddie Public Hospital.

Sergeant Francis was admitted as a patient in the A&E unit at the Suddie Hospital. He subsequently passed away.

Source: Action News Guyana (Reprinted with Permission)

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