28th of September, 2022. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.
Last updated: September 28, 2022 at 18:07 pmRussian tyrant Vladimir Putin is now in the process of drafting laws to annex occupied parts of Ukraine. Brandishing nuclear weapons and threatening nuclear warfare, he has managed to keep NATO out of his dirty business in Ukraine. Prior to the war, Russian citizens lived in those parts of Ukraine that Putin is now trying to annex. And it was established that many of those Russians fought on the side of the Kremlin after the war started.
This scenario draws a worrying parallel with the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy, and many Guyanese are opening their eyes to the stark dangers of sleeping with the enemy. Today, there are thousands of Venezuelan re-migrants, migrants, and refugees all over Guyana, most of whom still pledge allegiance to the Venezuelan flag.
The scenario playing out in Ukraine has caused Guyanese to wonder if Maduro could not pull a similar stunt with Guyana. If a war ever breaks out between Guyana and Venezuela (and we pray it doesn’t), those Venezuelans living in Guyana could be engaged by the Maduro regime to play a major role in undermining Guyana’s defense.
Putin and Maduro share several common characteristics and traits:
- They are both enemies of the West.
- They both share communist ideologies.
- They are both tyrants and dictators.
- They are close allies to each other.
If an armed conflict between Guyana and Venezuela ever erupts, you can bet that Maduro will have Putin on his side. And Putin has already shown the world who’s boss with NATO afraid to even close the skies over Ukraine. In the unlikely event of an armed conflict between Guyana and Venezuela, will the world pull out and leave Guyana as it has left Ukraine, to defend itself against all odds?
While the situation with Guyana and Venezuela is similar to that of Russia and Ukraine, the possibility of a Venezuelan incursion is at this point still infinitesimally small. And while those Venezuelans living in Guyana do pose a theoretical security threat to Guyana, it would be immoral to deport them because of the fact that Venezuela is in a crisis.
Seeing that we can’t deport Venezuelan refugees, what other steps can the Guyana government take to protect the country from the ever-existing Venezuelan threat looming over our heads like the sword of Damocles? Tell us in the comments.