9th of November, 2022. Guyana, South America. GSA News. Guyana News.
Last updated: November 9, 2022 at 22:35 pmThe parents of a young girl who was allegedly hit down and killed on a pedestrian crossing by a police vehicle has taken to social media to cry out for justice for their lost child. On the 1st of November, 2022, the mother the victim made the following Facebook post.

No word from the police yet. We need JUSTICE FOR OUR CHILD. Today marks 5 months since our princess KAYLA BARNABAS, beautiful soul, has become an angel. Mommy and daddy will always love this country. The people and authorities talk about rights of child and on 1 June, when my daughter was struck down by the police prison vehicles on the pedestrian crossing at GOED Fortuin WBD, it was INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS OF THE CHILD DAY, and still nothing is happening, no justice. The police is working as normal and happy with his children, but there is a GOD. The police was supposed to protect our children not kill them. RIP my princess.
Source: Soma Lildar
According to the mother of the child, Kayla was in her school uniform coming home from school on the 1st of June, 2022 when she was struck down by a police vehicle. She was just 12 years old at the time of the tragedy.
Here is another post that was made by the child’s mother on the 1st of August, 2022.
Today is two months and the police who killed killed our child is back on his job and no charges, sympathy or nothing, so I don’t know what’s next but it seems like if you in police uniform you can kill people’s children in their school uniform. 12 year old Kayla Barnabas who was an aspiring doctor and a student of West Demerara Secondary School, our child was a god fearing child and I have to get justice, and I don’t care what video the police have. After 18 days they get video but I’m putting God first in charge, and He promise to see me through my troubles. You know what hurts is the POLICE not even saying sorry but again KAYLA was a God fearing child, and she is with her heavenly father but we have to face and pay for our action. Remember this there is karma what comes around goes around. Sleep in peace our princess KAYLA BARNABAS until we meet again. I will see your beautiful face again.
Source: Soma Lildar
According to a statement released by the police earlier this year, the police are claiming that the young girl ran into the path of the police vehicle, thus causing the accident. However, the mother of the young girl has renounced this claim, saying that Kayla would never make such a blunder as she had trained her well in crossing the road.
The young girl was struck down at about 15:45h on June 1 by a Police pickup bearing registration number GXX 6575 at Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara (WBD). In June, 2022, the Director of Public Prosecutions had ordered an inquest into her death, but it is not clear if it has been completed.