Many Guyanese seem overhyped about this development, but the truth it is, the newfound privilege is not as glorious for the average citizen as it may seem on the surface. Yes, it does mean that the Guyanese passport has gotten a tad bid stronger. It does mean that other first world countries might consider granting visa-free travel to Guyana as well, and it does mean that Guyana’s oil wealth is talking. But this privilege, most all might agree, is geared mostly to the upper class or the financially wealthy.
As the Russian/Ukraine War surpasses 112 days of fighting, Ukrainian officials have reported that an estimated 100 to 200 Ukrainian fighters die in combat every day. Others, including civilians, die under other difficult circumstances in the war-torn regions of the country. The situation is truly appalling. But what’s more appalling is the world’s reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Aside from “strongly condemning” the invasion and sending weapons, Ukraine’s allies have done little more than sit down, eat popcorn, and enjoy the show.