An 18-year-old Miner of Region 1, Keron Sandy, is currently hospitalized and in a critical condition after he was allegedly attacked by his coworker Wayne Welcome. The incident occurred on Friday, April 22, 2022 at approximately 4:00pm at Arakaka Backdam, Region 1, Guyana, South America.
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Three Weeks After Police Report, No Arrest Was Made
Three weeks later, as of today, 27th of April, 2022, Varshanie Cyril was still not arrested over the alleged threats of violence. This publication called Mr. Seecharran again today, 27th of April, 2022, and he confirmed that no arrests were made “because the patrol ranks are busy.”
Cutlass Attacker Allegedly Threatens to “Ram Knife into Guts” of Victim
The victim of a cutlass attack in Region 6 earlier this year has once again complained to this publication that she was threatened once more by her attacker.