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Australia Removes All Covid-19 Travel Restrictions

Thinking of traveling down under but not vaccinated? Well now, it’s no worries anymore. Australia has joined the growing list of smart countries around the world to have removed all Covid-19 travel restrictions. That’s right. Now, if you wish to travel to Australia, you no longer need to show proof of vaccination, negative Covid 19 test, or be quarantined for any amount of time. In another words, travel to Australia has returned to the way it was during pre-pandemic times.

Trinidad Removes All Covid-19 Entry Requirements

The island country of Trinidad and Tobago has become the latest in the growing list of countries to have removed all Covid-19 entry requirements for travelers to the destination. Now, travelers to Trinidad and Tobago do not need to show proof of vaccination, negative PCR test, or be quarantined for any amount of time. In other words, travel to Trinidad and Tobago has returned to the way it was pre-pandemic.

Negative Covid-19 Test No Longer Required to Enter Guyana

The Covid-19 madness, and its ridiculous, unnecessary, and sometimes backward restrictions is going away bit by bit. So far, over 40 countries around the world have removed Covid-19 travel restrictions COMPLETELY. Others have done so only partially. The United States, for example, have recently removed Covid-19 testing requirements for travelers entering the US. Now, you don’t need to show a negative Covid-19 test to enter the USA. Travelers must still be vaccinated. Guyana has followed suit.