Lethem’s first ever Cricket Club has been launched on the 22nd of March, 22. Founder, Kenrick McDonald, says he hopes the Cricket Club will help to unearth talent in Region 9.

Guyana, South America – News, Sports, Technology…
Guyana, South America – News, Sports, Technology…
Lethem’s first ever Cricket Club has been launched on the 22nd of March, 22. Founder, Kenrick McDonald, says he hopes the Cricket Club will help to unearth talent in Region 9.
Be sure to like our Facebook Page: Guyana, South America for more! 18th of August, …
Be sure to like our Facebook Page: Guyana, South America for more! 29th of July, …
Be sure to like our Facebook Page: Guyana, South America for more! West Indies Cricketer, …