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The Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Agriculture is forecasting wetter than usual rainfall conditions across all regions of Guyana for the months of November 2022 to January 2023 (Guyana’s secondary rainfall season). The usual secondary rainfall season will be augmented by persistent La Nina conditions during the season. Rainfall is expected to increase considerably from mid-November and continue at least to January, 2023.

Residents of Region 7, Guyana, South America reported yesterday, 17th of September, 2022, that ice rained down from the skies over an extensive area across the Region. A resident of Kamarang, Veronica Clement, pulled out her mobile phone and made a video showing the ice pellets falling near to her home. The video is posted at the bottom of this article.

A resident sent in photos of a funnel cloud which appeared today, 23rd May, 2022 over the landmass of Black Bush Polder, Region 6, Guyana, South America. Below are the pictures of the funnel cloud which occurred over Black Bush Polder.