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My Life on the Pirara/Meritezeiro Ranch – by Denise D’Aguiar

My husband, Harvey, and I used to live on a ranch in the North Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, South America, where there was a 10-mile stretch of grazing ground between two places called Pirara and Meritezeiro. These places were owned by a dairy company called LIDCO, and they were “two in one.” The Headquarters, administration workers, and ranchers’ homes were all located at Pirara. Harvey and I lived at Meritezeiro where he controlled that section of the ranch. There were four cattle boys there.

The 1763 Berbice Slave Rebellion

The various accounts of the 1763 Berbice Slave Rebellion, also called the 1763 Berbice Slave Revolt and the 1763 Berbice Slave Uprising, are sketchy and sometimes conflicting. This very condensed version is based on intelligence gathered and cross-examined from various reputable sources including the Dutch Archives.

The Neesa Gopaul Murder Case – the Crime that Shook the Nation

The Neesa Gopaul murder case is doubtless one of the most horrific, brutal, and chilling crimes in Guyanese history. Imagine being heartlessly attacked by the very person whose God-given duty is to love and protect you. Imagine a group of vacationers looking for a fun time out but ending up finding a human corpse stuffed in a suitcase at Madewini Creek along the Linden-Soesdyke Highway, and imagine a woman, with the help of her partner, stuffing her daughter’s lifeless body into a suitcase and then dumping it into a remote creek with dumbbells tied to it so that it wouldn’t resurface. These are some of the elements that compose the Neesa Gopaul murder case – a brutal crime which sent shockwaves throughout the nation of Guyana, South America.

Guyanese Superstitions

A superstition is a belief in something supernatural that has no scientific basis or logical explanation. For example, we have all heard the superstition that if a black cat crosses your path it might bring bad luck, etc. This is an example of a superstition of European origin.

Guyanese Proverbs

A proverb is a general observable truth about life which has been passed down from generation to generation. Aside from the biblical book of Proverbs which is believed by many to have been inspired by God, there are many other proverbs peculiar to a particular people, region, or country.

History of the Wai Wais – by Ovid Williams

The Wai Wais are originally from Brazil (ANAWA), now called Roraima. Through hunting expeditions, they became familiar with KANASHEN (GOD loves you). Kan is God in the Wai Wai language. Over years, lots of them inhabited the area and the population increased. There was a threat of an “invasion,” a police raid for illegal guns and a lot of families left the location. Some went back to Brazil, while some went to a place upriver of kanashen called Shafalimo.

Masakanari or “Gunns Village” in the South Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana

Hundreds of miles south of the town of Lethem, a small community of Indigenous People live peacefully and happily. In the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, in the Deep South Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, South America, at the headwaters of the mighty Essequibo River, is tucked away this beautiful piece of paradise – Masakanari Village, also known as Gunns Village.

Pepperpot, A Guyanese Delicacy

Pepperpot has graced the tables and satisfied the stomachs of all races and classes of Guyanese on a wide variety of occasions – from Christmas season to the everyday grind. During the Christmas season, it is often served with cassava bread and complimented with ginger beer. Although it is not clear at this time which ethnic group introduced pepperpot to Guyana, it might be a blend of two cultures – a tradition adapted by the Africans using casareep – an indigenous creation. It was then adopted and modified by all other ethnic groups in Guyana making it a truly Guyanese flavor.

The Arapaima, One of Guyana’s “Giants,” is the World’s Largest Freshwater Fish

Guyana is known as the land of the giants, and the arapaima, the world’s largest freshwater fish, is one of the reasons why. The arapaima is a “gentle giant” with a suction power that is damaging to smaller fish up to four feet away. The arapaima can grow as long as 3 meters and weigh up to 440 pounds. In 2015, a monster arapaima was caught in Guyana which weighed 416 pounds!

The 1980’s – Memories of Lethem – by Frank Roman

In the early to mid 80’s, I was a trader to Brazil and flew on the HS 748 weekly. We nicknamed her “Flop Hat,” although I’m not sure why. At that time, GAC had daily service into Lethem, Rupununi, Guyana South America, and the daily arrival of Flop Hat was the high point of the day. It was the only way in and out. After a short time, we could tell which aircraft was approaching – whether sky van, 748, islander, or DC 6 – by the sound of their engines.

Moringa, Colloquially Called Saijan, is a World Renowned Superfood

“Saijan bhajee” as it is commonly called by the locals in Guyana, is in fact the world renowne superfood, moringa leaves. Moringa, the subject of a US scientific study around the year 2010, has been classified as a superfood and is used to fight malnutrition as well as for its medicinal value in various parts of the world. The recently developed moringa industry – which sells moringa based products, is a billion dollar industry.

The Story Behind Eldorado

Almost all Guyanese have heard the story of Eldorado. In Primary School, students even sing the Patriotic Song, “born in the land where men sought Eldorado….” But the story of Eldorado is not limited only to Guyana’s shores – it is one of worldwide fame – and it is what drew the Spanish, British, Portuguese, and other explorers to Guyana.

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder – by Reanna Nickram

I’ve decided to reprint this beautiful article which was posted on the Facebook Page of the author, Reanna Nickram, because it does an awesome job of illustrating the beauty, diversity, and richness of this great land of ours. For locals, it just reinforces what we already know. Reanna Nickram is a Guyanese citizen who resides with her family in Lethem, Region 9. In this beautiful anecdote, she expresses her profound love and patriotism for her country of birth, Guyana.

Walking On Hot Coals – A Roman Catholic Tradition Celebrated in Region 9

I was told that walking over hot coals is part of the celebration of St. John’s Day in the Rupununi Savannahs as well as other hinterland regions of Guyana, South America. One resident of the Rupununi told me that walking over hot coals on the night of St. John’s Day (24th) is a common practice in many communities. They say that those who are free of sin will not be burned when they walk on the hot coals, but those who are sinful will be burned by the coals.

Esther Roth Creates Animal Paradise in Her Backyard

Guyanese born Anna Maria Esther Roth (full name: Anna Maria Esther Roth Dias), presently residing in the border town of Bonfim, Brazil, next to Lethem, Region 9, Guyana, has a special passion – a love for animals that she describes as an energy that she was born with. Her love for animals transcends that of the average person, and her charitable works in caring for animals extend way beyond owning a few pets. In fact, Esther has created in her home an animal sanctuary which she refers to as “Animal Paradise.”

1932 Venezuelan Stamp Proves that the Essequibo Was Never Part of Venezuela

As the Venezuelan people and government continue their ramblings over Guyana’s Essequibo territory, the Guyanese people are firmly resolved to holding their ground with their unified and resounding “not one blade of grass” song to the Venezuelans. But a 90-year-old Venezuelan stamp restates what we as Guyanese have known all along – that the Essequibo was never part of Venezuela, and that Caracas was never keen on claiming the Essequibo prior the 2015 oil discovery in Guyana’s waters.

Guyana Maps Form in Clouds Over Guyana

Clouds floating in the skies form all sorts of bizarre shapes including animals and even maps. If you look carefully and use your imagination, you can see just about any shape in the clouds above. But such a clear-cut, precise, and indisputable shape of the map of Guyana forming over the skies over Guyana can be interpreted as a miracle.

Meet Talented Guyanese Artist, Geveron Moses

A student of St. Ignatius Secondary School in Region 9 has painted an outstanding portrait of the late Queen Elizabeth II of England. The painting is now a world famous one after it went viral after we posted it on the Guyana, South America Facebook Page. In just one hour, the post reached over 10,000 people and received hundreds of congratulations. It is so easy to see that there is an enormous reservoir of hidden talent behind that painting!

The Kurupukari Crossing, Region 8

The Kurupukari Crossing is located along the Lethem – Georgetown Trail, about 5 hours’ drive from Lethem, and about 8 hours when you’re coming from Georgetown. There is where the Essequibo River cuts the trail into two parts. There is a boat service which ferries vehicles across the Essequibo River every hour of the day. This is called the Kurupukari Crossing.

Ori Hotel in Lethem, Region 9

What’s unique about Ori Hotel is its round-the-clock restaurant which serves a wide variety of delicious Guyanese cuisine. The dedicated staff of Ori Hotel’s round-the-clock restaurant get up early in the morning to have breakfast prepared for 7 AM. Lunch is ready for 12 Noon, and the menu board proudly displays the menu. Then, at around 6 PM, dinner is served. In between all of this is a wide variety of snacks such as buns, sponge cake, pastries, and local fruit juice available at all times.

My First Tour of Guyana-by Channel Stoby

One of the most beautiful stories I have read about Guyana from a foreigner’s eyes – someone who visited Guyana for the first time. She mentions eating “genip” for the first time and that “there is beauty everywhere.” She also mentions, as so many of our tourists do, that the photos will never be as good as the experience itself!

Orealla Village, A Hidden Gem to Guyana’s East

Replete with breathtaking sceneries, Orealla Village is a nature paradise located to the East of Guyana in the county of Berbice. Also called Orealla Mission, the village lies on the Corentyne River about 33 miles south of Crabwood Creek. The only means of reaching Orealla Village from the coast at the time of this writing (December, 2022) is by boat. Speedboats run almost daily from Orealla Village to the Coast near to the Skeldon Village. The big passenger boat runs twice a week.

The Town of Lethem, Region 9

The town of Lethem is located in the county of Essequibo, Region No. 9, in the country of Guyana, South America. At the time of this writing, Lethem is officially a town, having been granted township in 2016 by the past APNU/AFC government, which ruled Guyana from 2015 to 2020, in fulfillment of a promise made during the 2015 elections campaigning.

Bizarre, Paranormal Events Reported at St. Ignatius Secondary School in Region 9

In June 2022, we published an article about paranormal activities in Aishalton Secondary School in Region 9. Bizarre stories of paranormal activities have once again been reported in Region 9 schools. However, this time around, the phenomenon has been reported to be most pronounced in St. Ignatius Secondary School in Region 9, Guyana, South America. Parents of students attending the school are so worried that they are calling for the school to be closed pending investigations into what is attacking the students – especially those living in the dorms.

Video: British Volunteer Takes Part in Cassava Processing Activity in Rewa Village, North Rupununi

For the indigenous peoples of Guyana, cassava is a staple, and they use it in various ways. Using a matapee, the liquid is squeezed from the grated cassava. This is used to make cassareep – a preservative that is both nutritious, delicious, and keeps food edible over long periods of time. The solid byproduct is then processed into farine – a food product that is popular in Region 9 and neighboring Brazil. Farine, a high-energy food product, is often eaten with meat, rice, fish etc, and it carries a very long shelf life.

Video: Sakaika Falls in Region 7, Guyana

Sakaika Falls is located on the Ekereku River in Region 7 of Guyana, South America. You’ll be amazed at the beauty and sheer power of this falls. And even more, you’ll be amazed at how close these two men are jumping about on the slippery rocks with high winds blowing around them. Many people have called them crazy. Are they crazy or adventurous, stupid or brave? Tell us in the comments.

Video: Guyana’s First Recorded Tornado

Tornadoes may have been happening in Guyana since time immorial, but this is the first time it was recorded due to the proliferation of mobile devices. On the 13th of October, 2021, the first tornado ever was recorded, literally, over Guyanese soil. Near the villages of Hiowa and Nappi in the Central Rupununi Savannahs, a relatively small tornado swept by – accompanied by lots of lightning and thunder. Luckily, someone pulled out their mobile device and started recording the phenomenon which they later posted to social media, specifically, Facebook.

Spinning of Steelwool on Diwali Evening – Photos

Diwali is the festival of light, and on Diwali evening, diyas are lit and placed on lawns, verandahs, walkways etc. But Guyanese also use a different method to create a luminous effect, and that is the spinning of steelwool. Steelwool is the name given to a product that is used to clean pots. On Diwali night, the steelwool is set on fire and spun rapidly to give off sparks – usually using a thin metal wire called bird wire.

Lighting Diyas in Guyana 2022 – Photos

Lighting Diyas is one of the practices of the five-day long Diwali Festival in Guyana – which also includes motorcades and other religious activities. The day on which the lighting of diyas take place is given as a national holiday in Guyana. The exact date on which diyas are lit depends on the sighting of the moon and varies slightly from year to year. This year, 2022, the day of lighting diyas is October, 24th.

Motorcade 2022 – Photos

The Diwali Motorcade is an annual tradition that takes place in the days leading up to Diwali. In addition to lighting diyas and spinning steelwool, mandirs across Guyana take part in a motorcade activity which is considered a prelude to Diwali. Some mandirs execute their motorcade activity several days before Diwali, while others do it on the evening before Diwali in Guyana, South America.

Karawab Village, an Indigenous Village of the Caribs in Region 2

Karawab is a satellite of St. Monica Village located on the Eastern Bank of the Upper Pomeroon River, 40 miles from Charity on the Essequibo Coast in Region 2 of Guyana, South America. Karawab, an Amerindian community was formally recognized in 1970. It is one of the most populated villages in the Upper Pomeroon river with an estimated 800 Caribs. The Village is led by Senior Councillor who reports to the Toshao and his deputy based in St. Monica.

Government Builds 620 Turnkey Homes along the East Bank of Demerara – Photos

The Irfaan Ali Administration is blazing the trail of providing adequate and affordable housing for all Guyanese. It’s part of the PPP/C’s one-Guyana dream to see all Guyanese in beautiful homes. Indeed, adequate housing not only enhances the lives and adds to the net worth of residents, but also adds to the beautification of the Guyana. Through subsidies and financing via local banks, the Guyana Government will help Guyanese citizens to acquire these turnkey homes.

Prime Minister Phillips Declares Annual Heritage Games Open – Photos

Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Hon. Mark Phillips earlier today (14th of October, 2022) declared the annual Heritage Games 2022 open. The games could not be held for two years owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Prime Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to investing in sports throughout the country. PM Phillips noted that sports play an integral role in the transformation that is underway.

Photos: Santa Fe Farm, Region 9

Santa Fe Ranch is located in Region 9 of Guyana, South America. The farm is the brainchild of Barbados entrepreneur, Sir Kyffin Simpson who had a vision for the creation of an integrated farm in the Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana. The farm presently occupies 29,000 acres of leased land for agriculture purposes, of which 8,000 acres have been prepared for rice cultivation. Other agriculture crops being cultivated are Cassava, Sweet Potatoes, Cole, and Solanaceous and Leguminous Crops. Research is presently being done on other non-traditional crops.

Guyana News

Get the latest and breaking news from the country of Guyana, South America. Get Guyana News. Guyana News comes to you from several media houses including Inews Guyana, Stabroek News, Kaieteur News, the Guyana Chronicle, Demerara Waves and others.

Badam Latch – a Super Tasty Guyanese Snack Now Going Extinct

Badam Latch, also variably called “badam latcta,” “balam latcha,” etc, is a super tasty snack made, sold, and consumed in Guyana since pre-independence times. Originating in India, it was introduced to Guyana by the East Indians. Unfortunately, due to evolving foods and food technology, as well the influx of imported food products, badam latch is rarely seen nowadays. Nevertheless, we urge all Guyanese to keep the badam latch experience alive. Through documenting this recipe this article, we hope that we have helped to keep it alive.

Opinion: Guyana Needs to Support US Action in Venezuela

As the United States increases pressure on Maduro to step down from government, the world becomes more and more critical of US Sanctions and the role it is playing in Venezuela. In fact, a recent Washington based report suggests that US Sanctions are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Venezuelans. But while no one is a fan of US Sanctions or the use of force in effecting regime change, the reality hits home that Guyana needs to support US action in Venezuela.

Mashramani 2019 in Georgetown

Mashramani is an annual event which takes place in Guyana. It is similar to the Trinidadian and Brazilian “carnival.” The word Mashramani is an indigenous word which means “celebration after hard work.” In 2019, Guyana is celebrating its 49th Anniversary as a Cooperative Republic, and Mashramani events are part of the mix. Happy Republic Day to one and all. – Feb 23rd 2019. Have fun with these beautiful photos.