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US Documentation States that the PNC/R Rigged Elections Up to 1992

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This article was first published on the 29th of March, 2020.

Last updated: February 3, 2022 at 15:43 pm
Photo by Diego Cambiaso

The two main political parties that have ruled Guyana since independence from Britain are the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNC/R). The PPP/C took office from the PNC/R in the year 1992 – after 28 years of PNC/R rule.

Some PPP/C supporters have claimed that the United States and England had helped the PNC/R to rig the elections and stay in power from 1964 to 1992. In fact, some PPP/C politicians have alleged that the United States had offered an apology to Guyana for its role in helping the PNC/R to stay in power. Although I could not find any documentation as yet to back up the apology, there are documentations published on the US government website that admits to US involvement in helping to keep the PNC/R in power.

It is understood that the United States and England had helped the PNC/R stay in power because they believed that the then PPP/C leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, held communist ideologies, and they feared that the leaders of the PPP/C might have turned Guyana into a communist state.

A report in the US Government archives explained how the United States, along with Britain, supported the PNC/R to stay in power. An excerpt of the report reads.

U.S. policy included covert opposition to Cheddi Jagan, the then pro-Marxist leader of British Guiana’s East Indian population. Read Report

The report further goes on to explain the United States‘ direct role in helping the PNC/R defeat the PPP/C.

The U.S. Government’s covert funding and technical expertise were designed to play a decisive role in the registration of voters likely to vote against Jagan. Burnham’s and D’Aguiar’s supporters were registered in large numbers, helping to elect an anti-Jagan coalition. Read Report.

The report further goes on to substantiate the claims of United States’ knowledge of PNC/R’s rigging of the Guyana’s election, and its passive allowance of such a course of action.

When the U.S. Government learned that Burnham was going to use fraudulent absentee ballots to continue in power in the 1968 elections, it advised him against such a course of action, but did not try to stop him. Read Report

In 1992, the international community, including the Carter Center, helped to mediate Guyana’s elections and ensure a free and fair electoral process. In fact, an official report published on the US Embassy Website states that:

The PNC was in power from independence until 1992 through tight centralized party control and rigged elections. In 1992, international mediation led to credible elections and a change in government to the PPP/Civic (PPP/C) party. Read Report.

After winning the elections in 1992, the PPP/C remained in power until 2015. The PNC/R, unable to win a fair election against the PPP/C, teamed up with about six other political parties and renamed itself A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). It subsequently joined forces with yet another political party, called the Alliance for Change (AFC) and renamed itself APNU/AFC.

In 2015, the APNU/AFC won the national elections and went into power. In December of 2018, the APNU/AFC fell by a no-confidence motion tabled by the PPP/C. Guyana’s constitution stipulates that, in the event that the government falls by a no-confidence motion, it assumes caretaker status and must call new elections within 3 months. However, the APNU/AFC breached the constitution and remains in office up to today, 29th of March 2020 – even while the March 2, 2020 elections are being contested in court.

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Deonarine terry
Deonarine terry
4 years ago

Now with all bean said
We are in a new age where we have evolved from the dark days of poverty in the country where prosperity is promised
It would be healthy to be honest and keep good morals and respect for everyone
Of such the APNU should allow the GECOM to do a recount of all votes and move on with prosperity in Guyana
Whoever is the winner let it be
Let us show our young generation honesty and morals in office and make Guyanese proud around the world

Milton persaud
Milton persaud
4 years ago

I always said the American allowed rigging to happen because of cheddy and Janet communist contacts with Russia. It was only after the fall of USSR that the Americans come here and let us have free and fair elections.

4 years ago

What i have learned that during Guyana sugar crisis 1964 the the British asked the us to intervene so they don’t lose face so the us. Created a diversion to keep the country from uniting two man in wismar was paid by American to start the riot. That change the history of Guyana until today this was told to

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