Published: 10th of November, 2022
Last updated: November 11, 2022 at 3:57 amEarlier this year, we featured Mr. Telford Layne as our father of the year in our article, Mr. Telford Layne Congratulates his Son. Well, it seems that we might have to feature Mr. Telford Layne once again as father of the year after seeing a Facebook post he made about his son, Tafari Layne, turning 19 years old.
There are some key elements inside Mr. Layne’s article that should be noted by all aspiring fathers, and those men who are already parenting young children. There is a disease that affects millions of people around the world – and that is the tendency to neglect their children, or even abuse them. Some men boast about how many “child mothers” they have, and how many children they have, leaving those children to suffer in silence, and not playing the God-given role they were supposed to play in those children’s lives. Consequently, thousands of children commit suicide, end up in criminal gangs, become delinquent, homeless, jobless, and so much more. This is something we must fight against. And for that reason, we must bring into the spotlight those fathers who are playing the role they should play, and more importantly – in the right way.
Let’s take a look at what’s so special about Mr. Telford Layne’s story.
Copied from Mr. Telford Layne
The champ turns 19 today. It’s my only son’s birthday. 19 years of blessings. Beyond thankful for him even though he is mommy’s boy. The four girls are all for me.

His life and journey have been exceptional. Always knew what he wants and what it takes to get there. Streets’ smarts, protective instinct, thoughtfulness, kindness, consideration, support, and leadership offers to those he comes into contact with are amazing. He is the best and close friend to many. He is an independent thinker, charter his course and is yourself-motivated.

Got a 100% pass at CSEC, 9 ones and 2 two’s. He is now a third-year civil and environmental engineering student. Early this year, he births a business idea. I help him acquire the equipment needed. 3 months ago I took him for his first government contract and position him in private and public sector business engagement.

I don’t even know how I allowed him to plait his hair. Still fighting with this acceptance thingy.
His name is Terrific, Ambitious, Financially Prudent, Analytical, Recillent, Industrious, Tafari Layne.
Happy 19th Tafari. Dad is so overjoyed and proud of having you.
Team Tafari
End Quote
It’s my only son’s birthday.
We live in a world where sadly, many men boast about how many children they have with different woman, but don’t play much of a role in those children’s lives. Mr. Telford Layne has only one son, and he plays an active part in his life.
Beyond thankful for him even though he is mommy’s boy. The four girls are all for me.
Some men tend to develop a stronger bond with their daughters. And that’s OK. As long as it doesn’t cause you to treat your son any lesser. And Mr. Telford Layne is a shining example of this.
Early this year, he births a business idea. I help him acquire the equipment needed. 3 months ago I took him for his first government contract and position him in private and public sector business engagement.
Note that “he” births a business idea. Mr. Layne doesn’t push his own agenda on his son, or force him to do what he would like to see him do. Rather, he lets him do the productive that he is passionate about and supports him along that path.
I don’t even know how I allowed him to plait his hair. Still fighting with this acceptance thingy.
Stern, yet loving and understanding. Few fathers exercise this delicate balance. Mr. Telford Layne might have strongly urged his son not to plait his hair, but in the end, he doesn’t hate or spite him for going against his wishes.
I could go on and on about this amazing piece of writing which illustrates some of the qualities of good fatherhood. It is something strongly lacking in today’s society, especially Guyanese society, and all fathers should strive to do as well as Mr. Telford Layne.
Join us in wishing Mr. Tafari Layne a lifetime of success, and may he make his dad prouder each day.
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