They say that Guyana is a melting pot of cultures and civilizations. Yes, Guyana is made of six races but one people. And we’ve come a far way in intermingling and learning each other’s cultures. On this note we’d like to tell you the amazing story of Ravis Chinese restaurant in Lethem, Region nine.
The residents of Lethem are largely of mixed heritage but the primary composition is Guyana first people, the indigenous. There are lots of Chinese businesses but only one Chinese restaurant and it is run by an East Indian family. Yes, this is the story of Ravis Chinese restaurant in Lethem.
Getting the recipe for the tasty Chinese cuisine no easy task. The Chinese guard their culinary secrets dearly. Therefore, we acknowledge that getting the Chinese recipes was a plausible feat. When you go to Lethem, stop at Ravis Chinese restaurant right next to Kanuku Lodge Hotel.. Have a taste of 100 percent original Chinese food make by an east Indian Guyanese family.