appeals for help

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Venezuelan National Living in Guyana Appeals for Life-Saving Financial Help for 11-Year Old Niece

A young Venezuelan woman who has been living in Guyana for the last six years is appealing for desperately needed life-saving financial aid to save her sick niece back home in Venezuela. Joxelis Jose Perales Mendoza of Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara is reaching out for help for her 11 year old niece, Isabelis Sofia Herrera Mendoza who is 11 years old and has been admitted to the central hospital of Maturin, Monagas State, on the oncology floor, in neighboring Venezuela. This is her story….

Residents of Mon Repos Appeal for Help After Fumes from Pig Pen in Residential Area Become Unbearable

Residents of Mon Repos on the East Coast of Demerara, Guyana, South America has reached out to this publication to air their distress after the fumes from an improperly placed pig pen has become unbearable. The residents say they have complaint to several relevant authorities, including the EPA, but their cries fell on deaf ears. Consequently, the residents have reached out to this publication for help in highlighting their story in the hopes that it will move someone to remedy the matter.

Guyanese Man Stranded in Trinidad Appeals for Help in Returning to Guyana

A Guyanese man who left Guyana to work in construction in neighboring Trinidad has reached out to this publication for help in returning and resettling in Guyana now that he has hit rock bottom. The man explained to this publication that he left Guyana in the year 2017 to do construction work in Trinidad. However, of recently, he started experiencing financial difficulties as he is not getting work as before.