This beautiful artwork along with the text explanation posted below was sent in by one of our fans, Guyanese Aaron Gangadeen.
Tag: indigenous peoples of guyana
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What is Tasso and Why You Should Learn About it
Tasso is a high protein food product which is made by slicing beef into thin layers, salting it thoroughly and drying it in the sun for four to five days. After five days of drying the salted beef, the tasso is said to be “cured” and then carries a long shelf life. While the precise shelf life of tasso has never been scientifically determined, most people whom I’ve interviewed in the Rupununi say that tasso can last for up to six months without refrigeration.
As I Gaze Upon the River – A Poem by Kapohn
The indigenous lifestyle is a simple, natural one. While many indigenous persons leave their natural communities and venture into more industrialized zones, taking up jobs and even owning businesses, indigenous peoples in their natural environment only consume what they need to survive and live comfortably. Unlike other ethnic groups in Guyana, the indigenous peoples value the preservation of the natural environment above the creation of wealth or the promise of money.
Music Video: Our Land, Our Life by Galina Edmund
Our Land, Our Life is a beautiful song astoundingly performed by Guyanese singer/performer Galina Edmund. The song, presented in the native language of the Arecuna tribe of Indigenous peoples of Guyana, expresses appreciation for the land and all it provides for the people that inhabit it. At the same time, it showcases the simple, beautiful, and sustainable lifestyle of the Arecuna Tribe of Indigenous peoples. The Arecuna Tribe of Indigenous are found in Paruima Village in Region 7 which is the village from which Galina Edmund hails.
Meet Guyana’s Youngest Professional Painter – Kuwanau Roberts
Guyana is a powerhouse of talent, and in this article, we’re going to highlight one who is off to an early start. Meet Kuwanau Roberts, the five-year-old who does wonders with a brush and a canvas.
Meet Talented Guyanese Artist, Geveron Moses
A student of St. Ignatius Secondary School in Region 9 has painted an outstanding portrait of the late Queen Elizabeth II of England. The painting is now a world famous one after it went viral after we posted it on the Guyana, South America Facebook Page. In just one hour, the post reached over 10,000 people and received hundreds of congratulations. It is so easy to see that there is an enormous reservoir of hidden talent behind that painting!