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Guyanese Born, Dr. Sue Ojageer, is Making Waves in the US Pharmaceutical Industry
Born in the town of New Amsterdam in the ancient county of Berbice, Guyana, South America, Dr. Sue Ojageer is a shining example of what hard work, focus, and a determined mind can achieve. At the tender age of 5, Sue left Guyana with her family as they migrated to a new life in the United States of America.
Meet Talented Singer, Performer, and Medical Student, Galina Edmund of Paruima Village, Region 7
Galina Susie Edmund was born on the 8th of April, 2003 in Paruima Village on the East Bank of the Kamarang River in Region 7, Guyana, South America. She attended the Paruima Nursery School, and then the Paruima Primary School where she wrote the Common Entrance Examinations and was awarded a place at one of Guyana’s top secondary schools – the Christ Church Secondary School in Georgetown, Region 4, Guyana, South America.