11 Feb, 2025

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2 mins read

19-Year-Old Woman Found Dead in Lusignan, ECD Apartment

A young woman was found dead in her apartment at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, Guyana, South America, this morning. Local police say they are investigating an alleged suicide which is believed to have occurred between 1 AM and 4 AM this morning, 18th of August, 2023. 19-year-old Malinda Fiona Niewenkirk was found slumped down from a bedroom door with a sheet around her neck, one end fastened on top of the door. Her feet were comfortably on the floor.

6 mins read

The Brutal, Cold-Blooded Murder of Shonette Dover

The murder of Shonette Dover will go down as one of the most brutal, heinous, and cold-blooded murders ever committed on a Guyanese citizen by someone she once loved and trusted. Whether the younger sister of the victim was criminally involved in the killing is disputable, but the pieces of evidence presented against the former boyfriend point to a well-planned, cold blooded, and premeditated murder.