11 Feb, 2025

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1 min read

The True Meaning of Boxing Day

On the 26th of December each year, Guyanese celebrate Boxing Day. It is a National Holiday. The origin and significance of Boxing Day is not clear to most Guyanese. Some joke that they will box someone today. Some say it is a day to open the boxes of gifts they received on Christmas Day, and some say it’s a day to give and receive lots of gifts in boxes.

3 mins read

Phagwah, also called Holi, Celebrations in Guyana

In Guyana, South America, Phagwah is known as the festival of colors. Although of East Indian and Hindu origin, the celebration of Phagwah in Guyana is a national holiday which is celebrated by Guyanese of all races, classes, and religions. During the morning, buckets of water are used to drench one another, while in the afternoon, colored powders are dabbed and sprinkled on friends, and colored water is sprayed using a “water gun.”