region 9
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House Lot for Sale in Bonfim, Brazil, Bordering with Lethem, Region 9
Bonfim is the Brazilian municipality which borders Lethem, Region 9. You enter Bonfim just as you cross the Takutu River Bridge. As demands for land drives land prices in Lethem through the roof, Guyanese who want to live in the southern border Region now have the option of purchasing land in neighboring Bonfim, Brazil for a much cheaper price…but for a limited time. Land prices in Bonfim are continually going up.
How to Travel to Brazil Via Lethem in Region 9
Have you ever wondered what it’s like traveling through Lethem in Region 9 to Guyana’s southern neighbor, Brazil? If you ever wanted to travel to Brazil from Guyana, this is your ultimate guide. So read to the end!
48 Turnkey Homes Under Construction in Region 9
Construction of the first forty-eight (48) homes is progressing under the Lethem Housing Support Programme, as the government pushes sustainable housing development in hinterland communities and aims to satisfy the demand for move-in ready homes.
Video: Air Services Plane Lands at Lethem Airport
Watch as it comes into view, sweeps over the roadway and glides down to the Lethem Airstrip. This video shows an Air Services Limited Plane which departed from Ogle landing at the Lethem Airstrip in January, 2023.
Mr. Ivan Alexander Johnson: A Rupununi Pioneer
Mr. Ivan Alexander Johnson (Sr), who completed his long and fruitful earthly journey in December 2017, was doubtless one of the the first pioneers of the Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana. He was one of many Rupununi trailblazers, who, in their own simple ways, unique personalities, and vision for making a successful living in what is still considered a remote region of Guyana, have facilitated the opening up of the Rupununi to the rest of the country and the world at large, and contributed to the economic and social wellbeing of the Region.
High Level of Incompetence at Lethem’s Passport Office
At the risk of sounding unthankful and negative, I’m compelled to outline the high level of incompetence I’ve experienced and observed at the Lethem Passport Office in the hopes that my constructive criticism might compel change.
The Labor Intensive Task of Roasting and Shelling Cashew Nuts
The cashew nut is a high protein delicacy, but preparing it for consumption is no easy task. Through a labor-intensive process, the nut is detached from the cashew fruit which comes from the cashew tree. Cashew trees grow abundantly in the Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, and also in similar environments in neighboring Brazil.
St. Ignatius Village, Region 9
St Ignatius Village is a Titled Indigenous Village in Region 9 of Guyana, South America. The village, which borders the town of Lethem, is replete with breathtaking scenery, beautiful landscapes, and natural vegetation. The bridge which crosses over the Moco Moco Creek marks the entry point into St Ignatius Village from Lethem. This bridge is located only about 120 m southwest of the Lethem airport.
Sky Valley Waterfall and Adventure Tours in Moco Moco Village, Region 9
Moco Moco Village is an indigenous community located approximately 24 kilometers (14 miles) southeast of Lethem at the foothills of the Kanuku Mountain range in the Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, South America. Moco Moco provides excellent relaxation and tranquility for visitors.
The Rupununi Savannahs, Region 9
The Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, South America is located in the county of Essequibo in Region 9. The entire Region 9 of Guyana is referred to as the Rupununi Savannahs. It includes the North, South, and Central Rupununi Savannahs. The Kanuku Mountain Range divides the North from the South Rupununi Savannahs.
My Life on the Pirara/Meritezeiro Ranch – by Denise D’Aguiar
My husband, Harvey, and I used to live on a ranch in the North Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, South America, where there was a 10-mile stretch of grazing ground between two places called Pirara and Meritezeiro. These places were owned by a dairy company called LIDCO, and they were “two in one.” The Headquarters, administration workers, and ranchers’ homes were all located at Pirara. Harvey and I lived at Meritezeiro where he controlled that section of the ranch. There were four cattle boys there.
Guyana’s Border with the Brazilian City of Normandy
It is possible for Guyanese to cross over into the Brazilian town of Normandy from Karasaibai Village in the South Pakaraima/North Rupununi District of Guyana, South America. The border between Normandy, Brazil and Karasabai, Guyana is formed by the Ireng River and is usually crossed by boats.
Karasabai Village, Home of the Sun Parakeets, Region 9
Known for its beautiful mountains and breathtaking scenery, Karasabai Village lies peacefully beneath the shade of the majestic Pakaraima Mountains in the South Pakaraimas District of Region 9 in Guyana, South America.
Shulinab Village in the South-Central Rupununi Savannahs, Region 9
Shulinab is an Indigenous village located in South Central Rupununi, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, Region Nine, Guyana, South America. The village was named after a palm tree called Shaorai. It is situated between the right bank of Sawariwao river and to the left bank of Sawarab creek. It is bordered to the eastern and northern boundaries by the Kanuku mountains.
The Takutu River Separates Guyana from Brazil at Region 9
The Takutu River flows from between Roraima, Brazil and Region 9, Guyana. It forms a river border between Guyana and Brazil for several miles at Region 9 of Guyana, South America. For Brazilians, the name of the Takutu River is “Rio Tacutu.”
Masakanari or “Gunns Village” in the South Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana
Hundreds of miles south of the town of Lethem, a small community of Indigenous People live peacefully and happily. In the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, in the Deep South Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, South America, at the headwaters of the mighty Essequibo River, is tucked away this beautiful piece of paradise – Masakanari Village, also known as Gunns Village.
The 1980’s – Memories of Lethem – by Frank Roman
In the early to mid 80’s, I was a trader to Brazil and flew on the HS 748 weekly. We nicknamed her “Flop Hat,” although I’m not sure why. At that time, GAC had daily service into Lethem, Rupununi, Guyana South America, and the daily arrival of Flop Hat was the high point of the day. It was the only way in and out. After a short time, we could tell which aircraft was approaching – whether sky van, 748, islander, or DC 6 – by the sound of their engines.
Maruranau Village – 100 Miles Into the Amazon Rainforest
Maruranau is a piece of natural paradise tucked away at the edge of the Amazon Rainforest, in the South Rupununi Savannas of Guyana, South America. You can get there by traveling first to Lethem, and then traveling south of Lethem for 4 hours by bus.
Taking the Bus Down the Lethem – Georgetown Trail
The buses usually leave Lethem at 6 pm every night and arrive in Georgetown around 3 pm the next day. They also leave Georgetown around 6 pm, and arrive around 3 pm in Lethem. Usually, you can pop up the same day and reserve your seat at Carly’s or Cindy’s Bus Service, but it is safer to book a day in advance.
The Takutu River Bridge Connects Guyana to Brazil in Region 9
The Takutu River Bridge was completed in the year 2009 as part of an initiative between the governments of Guyana and Brazil. Since then, travel between the two countries has been very much streamlined, and so has cultural exchange.
Photos of Lethem: November 2022
Lethem is always changing and evolving. What it was ten years ago, it’s not today. Development of infrastructure, new buildings, new businesses, and even lifestyle and cultural changes all contribute to the constantly evolving landscape of this beautiful border town which is the gateway to the Rupununi Savannahs and also neighboring Brazil.
Video: Plane Lands at Lethem
You’ll be amazed at how close to the road the plane passes when it lands at the Lethem airstrip in Region 9! And this happens everyday, several times per day! This video was shot by Patrick Carpen sometime around the year 2019.
Photos: Santa Fe Farm, Region 9
Santa Fe Ranch is located in Region 9 of Guyana, South America. The farm is the brainchild of Barbados entrepreneur, Sir Kyffin Simpson who had a vision for the creation of an integrated farm in the Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana. The farm presently occupies 29,000 acres of leased land for agriculture purposes, of which 8,000 acres have been prepared for rice cultivation. Other agriculture crops being cultivated are Cassava, Sweet Potatoes, Cole, and Solanaceous and Leguminous Crops. Research is presently being done on other non-traditional crops.
Lethem’s Children’s Mash Parade 2019
On the 25th of January, 2019, students of various schools including Aishalton Secondary, St. Ignatius Secondary and St. Ignatius Primary took to the streets of Lethem to celebrate Mashramani. Decked out in floats and dressed in colorful costumes, they proceeded north along Lethem’s Commercial Road heading to the Tabatinga Sports Complex.
A Trip to Sand Creek Secondary School
Be sure to like our Facebook Page: Guyana, South America for more! I had the honor of visiting Sand Creek Secondary School during my stint as an English teacher at St. Ignatius Secondary School in the Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana, South America in September, 2016. As you may have heard, the Rupununi Savannahs of Guyana […]
Breathtaking, Handpicked Photos of the Rupununi
he Rupununi Savannas of Guyana is a vast territory of natural grasslands and pristine rainforests, crowned by majestic mountains, inhabited by beautiful and friendly people, crisscrossed by magnificent rivers, washed by refreshing streams, enlivened by rare and beautiful animals, decorated with captivating waterfalls and replete with beautiful sceneries, landscapes and natural wonders.