Residents of Region 6, Guyana, South America have reported observing a strange phenomenon in the skies on the evening of 5th of March, 2022. Although some persons speculated that it might have been the effects of a light beam or something similar used to create effects at shows and parties, the appearance was notably different from what is usually observed from artificial light effects used by humans.
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Strange Objects in Skies Might Have Been Ball Lightning Phenomenon
On the evening of March 5th, 2022, hundreds of residents across a 100-mile radius in Regions 5 and 6 of Guyana, South America reported seeing strange light objects in the skies. Although it was difficult to gauge the size of the objects, they appeared to be just about a meter in length, and they were circling like fish swimming closely behind each other. There were three or four light objects moving in a circular motion closely behind each other.